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The School aims at introducing students both to the basic ideas and to the most recent breakthroughs in the field of extrinsic curvature flows, a fundamental research direction at the intersection of Analysis and Geometry, with deep connections to the theories of minimal surfaces and of diffusive partial differential equations.
Extrinsic flows have important applications to the geometry of submanifolds, as their study provides an effective strategy for obtaining topological classification results and for proving sharp geometric inequalities.
In a broader context, extrinsic flows arise in describing the dynamics of interfaces in physical and biological sciences, a fact that provides a strong scientific motivation for their mathematical inquiry.
Virtually all the different approaches to mean curvature flows will be accounted for, with particular emphasis on the fundamental problem of singularities formation.
A major goal of the School will indeed be putting the best students in the position of understanding the many open problems in the field.
S. Angenent, University of Wisconsin-Madison
P. Daskalopoulos, Columbia University
G. Huisken, Universität Tübingen
C. Mantegazza, Università di Napoli Federico II
F. Otto, MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences
C. Sinestrari, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
T. Souganidis, University of Chicago
Y. Tonegawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Interested candidates should apply online (see link "Apply here" on the left-hand menu). * DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: EXPIRED *
Giovanni Bellettini (University of Siena & ICTP), Francesco Maggi (University of Texas at Austin), Carlo Sinestrari (Tor Vergata Roma University), Local Organiser: Claudio Arezzo