Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 23 Apr 2018
Ends 27 Apr 2018
Central European Time
Budinich Lecture Hall (LB)
Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
Register in advance for the webinar URL:

CONTEXT The Mediterranean is a hotspot for climate change and air pollution. Climate change will significantly impact the regional air quality by reinforcing the hot, sunny and dry Mediterranean climate. Mediterranean inhabitants are already regularly exposed to pollutant loads well above WHO (World Health Organization) air quality recommendations standards and will be further exposed. Additional exposures to air pollution and warm conditions will result in an excess of premature deaths, but we still lack quantification of the impact in southern and eastern countries. Thus, there is a need to promote and develop Integrated Health Impact assessment (IHIA) approach by empowering scientists from around the Mediterranean basin. OBJECTIVES The objective of the training school is to strengthen in-country scientists and stakeholders capacity to face the health challenges posed by environmental stressors. It aims at giving early-stage researchers a good understanding of risk and uncertainty matched to a set of practical skills in facing the environmental health issues related to evaluating the health impact of air pollution and climate change. Students will be trained to the practice of exposure assessment, epidemiology and integrated health impact assessment.  CONTENTS The school will introduce state of the art knowledge on air pollution and climate change in the Mediterranean region, as well as methodologies of health impact assessment. It will give students knowledge of protocols, tools, sources of data and will make them practice on case studies specifically designed for the school in order to enable them performing air quality and climate health impact studies including economic valuation. The school will also give insights on how to identify public health priorities for research and preventive actions. The teaching will be provided by recognized experts in atmospheric chemistry, climate, epidemiology, toxicology, economics... Participants will be able to interact and communicate with all these experts. SPEAKERS Carla ANCONA (DEP Lazio, Rome, Italy) Isabella ANNESI-MAESANO (INSERM & UPMC, Paris, France) Olivier CHANEL (AMSE, Univ. Of Aix-Marseille, France) Augustin COLETTE (INERIS, Verneuil en Halatte, France) Zeina DAGHER (Univ. Lebanese, Fanar, Lebanon) Kees DE HOOGH (Univ. Of Basel, Basel, Switzerland) Jos LELIEVELD (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany) Konstantinos MAKRIS (Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health, Limassol, Cyprus) and to be announced
**DEADLINE: 09/02/2018**
Carla Ancona (Dept. of Epidemiology, Lazio Reg. Health Service, Rome, Italy), François Dulac (CEA LSCE (France)), Eric Hamonou (CNRS LSCE (France)), Konstantinos Makris (Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health (Cyprus)), Local Organiser: Filippo Giorgi
Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean eXperimentcharmex, ENVI-MEDenvimed, ARCHIMEDESarchimedes, The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysicsiugg4
Susanne Henningsen


Carla Ancona (Dept. of Epidemiology, Lazio Reg. Health Service, Rome, Italy), François Dulac (CEA LSCE (France)), Eric Hamonou (CNRS LSCE (France)), Konstantinos Makris (Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health (Cyprus)), Local Organiser: Filippo Giorgi
