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ICTP - Euler Lecture Hall (LB)

Administrative and Financial formalities



REGISTRATION: Upon arrival, Visitors not staying in the ICTP Guest Houses, are kindly requested to complete registration formalities at the Leonardo Building (Office 115) from 8.30 till 10.00 TRAVEL UNIT (Only for those Visitors receiving daily living allowance/travel reimbursement) Only after having completed registration formalities, please go to the Travel Unit, EF, Main Entrance, Room T17, ground floor, open two days: Monday and Friday, 08.30 - 12.00 and 13.30 - 14.30 Please bring with you: badge/identity card or passport/any travel tickets and boarding passes, if reimbursement due.


Alexei Miassoedov (IAEA, NENP/NPTDS), Simone Massara (IAEA, NSNI/SAS), Local Organiser: Nicola Seriani
