Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 5 Oct 2000
Ends 10 Oct 2000
Central European Time
Main Building Main Lecture Hall
Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
The Trieste QED 2000 workshop, second in a series, will be mainly devoted to recent results in the field of QED, the experimental and theoretical aspects of the structure of the vacuum, the standard model and the fundamental constants. More specifically, it will concentrate on the discussion, based on current theoretical ideas, of experimental tests of QED seeking to extract information on the structure of the vacuum through precision measurements. Space will be given to the discussion of precision measurements having results from QED as their foundation, such as the study of specific bound systems and the g-2 of leptons. Finally, technical topics, originating from the presented experimental investigations, will be welcome. The purpose of the meeting, following the experience of the first workshop in the series, held in Sandanski, Bulgaria, in 1998, is to gather experimental and theoretical physicists, all active in related fields, to search for innovative ideas, open new theoretical challenges conducting to improved experimental tests of QED and physics of the vacuum. "QED2000: 2nd Workshop on Frontier Tests of Quantum Electrodynamics and Physics of the Vacuum" has been inserted in the official program of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (I.C.T.P.) in Trieste and will be held in the Centre facilities from October 5th through October 11th, 2000. Main topics photon-photon interactions bound systems heavy ions interactions structure of vacuum particle physics aspects of QED dark matter fundamental constants


E. Zavattini, D. Amati G. Cantatore (Coordinator & Scientific Secretary), D. Bakalov, F. Della Valle and C. Rizzo See Workshop announcement for Int'l Advisory Board and Co-sponsors