4th International Workshop CHArMEx - the Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment | (smr 2610)
Starts 20 Oct 2014
Ends 24 Oct 2014
Central European Time
LB (Budinich Lecture Hall)
Strada Costiera, 11
I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
ChArMEx is part of the international and interdisciplinary metaprogramme MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional and Local Scales). Its aim is to assess the present and future state of the atmospheric environment in the Mediterranean Basin, and its impacts on the regional climate, air quality and marine biogeochemistry, in a context of strong regional anthropogenic and climatic pressures. This region shows high level of ozone and aerosol during summertime. It is a receptor area of long-range transport of atmospheric pollution. It is also considered a hot-spot of climate change, with significant projected summertime warming and precipitation decrease that have the potential to further enhance atmospheric pollutants and natural aerosol concentrations. The Workshop will focus on different approaches to study Mediterranean atmospheric chemistry and climate such as satellite observations, airborne and ground measurements, and modelling. Recent results of the ChArMEx experiment will also be discussed. It is intended to promote scientific exchanges and collaborations between participants. As such it is open to scientists and students interested in atmospheric chemistry, aerosols and climate-chemistry interactions in the Mediterranean region climate. Talks from participants are welcome, and a Poster Session will also be included in the programme. ICTP encourages applicants to submit a short one-page abstract along with their online application form. Preliminary List of Speakers and Topics: Augustin COLETTE (INERIS, Verneuil-en-Halatte, France): Air quality-climate interactions Véronique DUCROCQ (CNRM Météo-France, Toulouse, France): HyMeX projet on the hydrological cycle Cécile GUIEU (LOV, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France): MERMEX project on Marine ecosystems response Wolfgang JUNKERMANN (KIT/IMK-IFU, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany): Aerosols in the Mediterranean William LAHOZ (NILU, Kjeller, Norway): Air quality and contributions from assimilation Paolo LAJ (LGGE, Grenoble, France): ACTRIS network for atmospheric research observations Jos LELIEVELD (MPIC, Mainz, Germany): Modeling atmospheric chemistry-climate interactions Nikos MIHALOPOULOS (Univ. of Crete, Heraklion, Greece): Aerosol chemistry Etienne RUELLAN (INSU CNRS, Paris, France): Regional multidisciplinary programme MISTRALS Giorgio di SARRA (ENEA, Rome, Italy): Mineral dust