Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 8 Aug 2022 16:30
Ends 8 Aug 2022 17:30
Central European Time
Leonardo Building - Luigi Stasi Seminar Room
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Abstract: We discuss the stable ergodicity of volume measure for dynamical systems that exhibit certain Hyperbolic behavior. Our aim is to introduce a local and stable mechanism/phenomenon, called quasi-conformal blender, as a source for ergodicity. We will see how this method applies for the action of groups of diffeomorphisms on smooth manifolds, as well as, for certain partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. This talk is based on several joint works with A. Fakhari, H. Rajabzadeh, and A. Tahzibi.
This will be hybrid seminar. All are very welcome to join either online or in person. Venue: Luigi Stasi Seminar (ICTP Leonardo Da Vinci Building), for those wishing to attend in person.
Meysam Nassiri (IPM, Iran)