Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 4 Nov 2022 09:30
Ends 4 Nov 2022 12:30
Central European Time
In the context of the music and science festival "Wunderkammer 2022 - Algoritmi musicali", organized in collaboration with Wunderkammer, Elettra and Comune di Trieste, ICTP has organized two scientific talks exploring how science can be applied to music.

The two lectures will take place on Friday 4 November in ICTP's Budinich Lecture Hall, Leonardo Building, and are open to all.

The first lecture, "How the Human Brain Masters Time", with Prof. Domenica Bueti, Associate Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) is scheduled at 9:30am.

The second lecture, "L'Arte della Forma. Scientific and technical challenges in the digital reproduction of musical instruments", with Gabriele Ricchiardi, Associate Professor of Chemical Physics, University of Torino; and Diego Dreossi, researcher at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, is scheduled at 11:00am.