Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 18 Jan 2023 11:30
Ends 18 Jan 2023 12:30
Central European Time
Hybrid Seminar
Luigi Stasi Seminar Room + Zoom

Shobhana Narasimhan
(Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, India)

Through much of history, our search for novel materials has been achieved through either accidental discoveries or a process of trial and error. Today, we have the ability to instead carry out a program of rational design, thanks to the ability to calculate the properties of materials extremely accurately using first principles quantum mechanical density functional theory. After a brief introduction to the field, I will give examples from work in our group on surface alloys, nanocatalysts, the diffusion and sintering of supported nanoparticles, and molecular rotors.

Coffee/Tea Refreshments
will be served prior to the Seminar
at 11:00 in the Leonardo Building Bar