Adriatico Kastler
Country projects
Country projects: Setting up an SDI ecosystem from scratch. Non-technical processes for setting up and maintaining an SDI.
• Working groups, key personnel, team qualifications
• Responsibility distribution (best example)
• Licencing & Costs
• Data security
• Maintenance, de-bugging, how to procure support
• Dissemination, outreach & Coordination of efforts (e.g., different stakeholders, agendas)
• Any other topic that seems relevant to the proper operation of an SDI after its launch
By the end of this exercise participants need to be able to understand the key non-technical processes required to operate and maintain an SDI after its launch
Carla CANNONE (Imperial College & L'boro University), Mark HOWELLS (Imperial College & L'boro University), Alexandros KORKOVELOS (World Bank (ESMAP)), Rosie MCGRANE (Imperial College & L'boro University), Naomi TAN (Imperial College & L'boro University), Rudolf YEGANYAN (Imperial College & L'boro University), Riccardo FARNETI (ICTP), Adrian TOMPKINS (ICTP), Local Organiser: Fred Kucharski (ICTP)