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Geospatial data, best practices for collection and management


Location: ICTP
Address: Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
Room: Kastler Lecture Hall (AGH)
Date: 5 Jul 09:00 - 17:00

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 5 contributions out of 5
Country projects: Setting up an SDI ecosystem from scratch. Continue developing the project through: - Map layouts - Map layer styling and cartography - Metadata capture By the end of this exercise participants need to be able to understand the key practices for populating an SDI and how to evaluate this process.
on 5/7/2023 at 10:00
Building timetable...


Carla CANNONE (Imperial College & L'boro University), Mark HOWELLS (Imperial College & L'boro University), Alexandros KORKOVELOS (World Bank (ESMAP)), Rosie MCGRANE (Imperial College & L'boro University), Naomi TAN (Imperial College & L'boro University), Rudolf YEGANYAN (Imperial College & L'boro University), Riccardo FARNETI (ICTP), Adrian TOMPKINS (ICTP), Local Organiser: Fred Kucharski (ICTP)