Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 10 Jul 2023
Ends 14 Jul 2023
Central European Time
Budinich Lecture Hall (LB)
Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)

An ICTP meeting in person

Quantum Monte Carlo methods represent a family of numerical techniques that have been applied in a wide variety of problems in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and even Biology. They are among the most successful approaches for computing the properties of interacting quantum many-body systems. Here, the principal problem, which manifests itself in different forms, is that of describing electron correlation, in either molecules, materials or effective low-energy models (e.g., Hubbard or Heisenberg), beyond mean-field-based theories. In the last 20 years, variational approaches have been dramatically improved, by devising very efficient optimization procedures; projection techniques have been also developed, allowing us to improve the accuracy by several order of magnitude with respect to what was possible only a few years ago.

The main goal of this event will be to gather together researchers working on different subjects with quantum Monte Carlo techniques to nurture new collaborations and exchange of knowledge. A couple of sessions will be devoted to honor the memory of Sandro Sorella, who pioneered key developments in the optimization of various quantum Monte Carlo algorithms.

The activities will highlight recent progress in this area in topics including, but not limited to:
  • Recent developments in quantum Monte Carlo techniques
  • Neural-network approaches within quantum Monte Carlo
  • Magnetism and superconductivity in lattice and continuum systems
  • Low-dimensional fermionic and bosonic models
  • Emergent exotic phases in strongly-correlated systems

A. ALAVI, Cambridge University
D. ALFE', University of Naples
F. ASSAAD, University of Wurzburg
N. COSTA, University of Rio de Janeiro
C. FENG, Flatiron Institute
M. FOULKES, Imperial College London
E. GULL, University of Michigan
M. IMADA, Toyota Research Institute
T. LI, Renmin University
F. MA, Beijing Normal University China
Z.Y. MENG, University of Hong Kong
M. OGATA, University of Tokyo
M. QIN, Shanghai Jiaotung University
A.W. SANDVIK, Boston University
G. SENATORE, University of Trieste
L. F. TOCCHIO, Politecnico di Torino
C. UMRIGAR, Cornell University
L. WAGNER, University of Illinois
A. ZEN, University of Naples

Call for Contributed Abstracts: All applicants are encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster presentation and/or a contributed talk. Abstract templates are available below for download.

Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.

Please note that from 3 to 7 July 2023 the 'TREX School on quantum Monte Carlo methods with the TurboRVB code' will be organized at SISSA. For further information and submitting your applications please click here



**DEADLINE: 07/05/2023**
Federico BECCA (University of Trieste, Italy), Michele CASULA (CNRS and Sorbonne University, France), Fengjie MA (Beijing Normal University, China), Seiji YUNOKI (RIKEN, Japan), Shiwei ZHANG (Flatiron Institute, USA), Local Organiser: Sandro Scandolo (ICTP)
International School for Advanced Studiessissa3, Targeting Real Chemical Accuracy at the Exascale projecttrex, Flatiron Institute - Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ)ccqp
Monica Petronela Ancuta, Viktoriya Lvova, Adriana Pinto


Federico BECCA (University of Trieste, Italy), Michele CASULA (CNRS and Sorbonne University, France), Fengjie MA (Beijing Normal University, China), Seiji YUNOKI (RIKEN, Japan), Shiwei ZHANG (Flatiron Institute, USA), Local Organiser: Sandro Scandolo (ICTP)
