Session co-chairs: Maria Laura Bettolli and José Abraham Torres Alavez
- Advancing Convection-Permitting Climate Projections: Coordinated Ensemble Experiments and the Path Ahead - Erika COPPOLA
- Tropical cyclone changes in convection-permitting regional climate projections: a study over the Shanghai region - Erasmo BUONOMO
- The role of Tibetan Plateau Vortices in extreme precipitation events in the Tibetan Plateau region - Julia CURIO
- BARPA-C: Kilometre-scale climate modelling development based on ACCESS - Christian STASSEN
- Detection and sensitivity to global warming of disastrous-like storms in the complex alpine area - Emanuela PICHELLI
- Brand new Convection-Permitting simulations over South America: a look at the uncertainty sources at the sub-daily time scale - Francesca RAFFAELE
- A new method for dynamical downscaling of heatwaves by convection-permitting climate models: event-based downscaling - Fuxing WANG