- C1-P-02 Potential Impact of Climate Change on Heat and Discomfort Indices Changes over Nigeria
- C1-P-03 Present and future meteorological droughts in CORDEX-CAM with RegCM4.7
- C1-P-04 The FPS in Southeastern South America: actionable regional climate information for hydrological and agricultural sectors
- C1-P-05 Projected hydrological changes for agricultural risk assessment over southern Africa in a warmer world
- C1-P-06 SSP-RCP scenario-based future land use change projection over Ethiopia
- C1-P-07 Quantifying the Impacts of land cover change on hydrological responses under SSP-RCP Scenario
- C1-P-08 Impact of climate change in Mexican winegrape regions
- C1-P-09 Present and future meteorological droughts in CORDEX-CAM with RegCM4.7
- C1-P-10 Storylines to synthetize the range of future plausible climates over France for hydrological studies
- C1-P-11 Projected changes in precipitation, temperature and their extremes over tropical South America through the RegCM4
- C1-P-12 Integrating regional climate models in flood modeling to quantify human health risks from contaminated urban floodwaters
- C1-P-13 Hydrological and Land Suitability Analysis for Flood-based Productivity in Afar Region, Ethiopia
- C1-P-14 Unprecedented compound hot and dry events in Europe under different emission scenarios
- C1-P-15 Hydrological modeling of the Uruguay River with actionable climate information from statistical and dynamical downscaling
- C1-P-16 Providing unbiased high resolution extremes precipitations for sectorial custumers: test of differents corrections methods
- C1-P-17 Potential Impact of Climate Change on Cereal Suitability in West Africa using CORDEX-CORE Models
- C1-P-18 Climate scenarios for Angola from CORDEX AFR22 simulations
- C1-P-19 Medium-term and long-term changes in the Extreme Precipitation Indices in Colombia, using the CORDEX- RCM SAM-20-CCCma-CanESM2-Eta
- C1-P-20 Impact of Climate Change on solar resource: a review of projections comparing global and regional climate models
- C1-P-21 Project FOCI - Non-CO2 Forcers and Their Climate, Weather, Air Quality and Health Impacts
- C1-P-22 Machine learning models reveal reductions in land surface temperature associated with forest management in Fennoscandia
- C1-P-23 Expected climate changes in Croatia by the middle of the 21st century
- C1-P-24 Uncertainties in the projections of the extreme precipitation events over East Asia
- C1-P-25 Development of agro-climatic indicators and services over Europe in the framework of the STARGATE project
- C1-P-26 Future Projection of Precipitation over the Korean Peninsula under Global Warming Levels of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C, Using Large Ensemble of RCMs in CORDEX-East Asia Phase 2
- C1-P-27 Future Changes in Extreme Heatwaves over the CORDEX-East Asia Phase 2 Domain under RCP and SCP Scenarios
- C1-P-28 Heat in cities across the globe: what can the CORDEX-CORE regional climate model ensemble tell?
- C1-P-29 Three-dimensional characteristics of heat waves in CORDEX RCMs
- C1-P-30 Attribution of Extreme Precipitation Events in The Mediterranean Region Using High-Resolution COREX Ensemble
- C1-P-31 A reference set of bias-corrected regional projections for hydrological impact studies over France
- C1-P-32 Projected Changes in Extreme River-Flow in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
- C1-P-33 Novel tools for model evaluation from the Big Data and Climate FRONTIER project
- C1-P-34 Quantifying the climate change and its impacts on wheat productivity for decision-making support in Egypt
- C1-P-35 Projected changes in the frequency of compound events over tropical Brazil in CORDEX-CORE simulations
- C1-P-36 Analysis of Climate Indices in Climate Change Scenarios Applying Spatial Data Correction, the case of Guayas Province, Ecuador
- C1-P-37 High-resolution climate projections to support adaptation planning in the Mashreq region
- C1-P-38 Heat Wave Increase Based on EURO-CORDEX Scenario Simulations in Metropolitan Cities of Türkiye
- C1-P-39 Future changes in extreme rainfall events on the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica, Central America, based on CORDEX-CORE models
- C1-P-40 Construction of regionalized scenarios for simulations of the urban area and buildings: present and future climate in the RCP8.5 scenario
- C1-P-41 Future Projections of extreme events over Central Asia in CORDEX-CORE Simulations
- C1-P-42 Biophysical impacts of land use changes on the local and regional climate – Results and lessons learnt from the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study LUCAS
- C1-P-43 Uncertain water resources under global change – Assessing water use-climate feedbacks in the UWaRes project
- C1-P-44 The extreme future of soil moisture in a Mediterranean country: the Portuguese case
- C1-P-45 -How the risk of heat waves will change in the future decades in Croatian cities?
- C1-P-46 Regional Climate Data for Use in Advancing Successful and Equitable Decarbonization of the US Electric Power and Residential Sectors
- C1-P-47 The frequency of extreme temperatures and summer heat waves in Belarus
- C1-P-48 Fidelity of RCMs in Quantification of Climate Change Impacts on Flood Risk- An exhaustive approach over severely flood-prone coastal catchment
- C1-P-49 Forcasting atmospheric variables with RegCM4.7 for the optimal operation of uruguayan energy system
- C1-P-50 Past and future precipitable water vapor and extreme precipitation over Ethiopia based on CORDEX
- C1-P-51 Provision of climate change information on rainy season indicators for the agricultural sector in Burkina Faso
- C1-P-52 Evaluation of the Impacts of Climate Change on Irrigation Requirements of Maize by CROPWAT Model
- C1-P-53 Hot Spots of Global Temperature of Emergence of several Climatic Impact-Drivers (CIDs) for the CORDEX regions
- C2-P-01 TinyML-Based Flood Disaster Prediction and Early Warning System for Awash River Basin
- C2-P-02 Climate Change Impact and its Mitigation Assessment the Case of Afar Water Spreading Weirs, Ethiopia
- C2-P-03 Influence of climate forcing agents on the regional hydrological cycle trends in a changing climate
- C2-P-05 Future conditions of wind and rain associated with fall wildfire conditions in CMIP6 models over western North America
- D3-P-01 Impacts of ocean-atmosphere coupling on precipitation in small islands: a case study of the Cape Verde archipelago
- D3-P-02 Ensemble of numerical models for rainfall and temperature estimation in Bolivia using RegCM 4.7
- D4-P-01 Development of Multilevel Local, Nation- and Regionwide Education and Training in Climate Services in Ukraine
- D4-P-02 EURO-CORDEX data in the climate services of the Hungarian Meteorological Service
- D6-P-01 Sensitivity of WRF simulation of PBL dynamics and UHI characteristics to the choice of physics, urban schemes and land surface database during two heat waves of summer 2022 over Paris area: comparison with PANAME* observations
- D6-P-02 Decomposition of the future changes in UTCI using regional climate projections for German cities
- D6-P-03 Representation of the Urban Heat Island in CORDEX-CORE: A global multi-city analysis from the CORDEX FPS URB-RCC
- D6-P-04 Projection of photovoltaic potential based on high-resolution SSP scenarios over South Korea
- D6-P-05 Evaluation framework for high-resolution regional climate simulations for urban studies
- D6-P-06 Development of a High-Resolution Gridded Climate Dataset for Vietnam by blending ERA5-Land and in-situ data in the period 1981-2019
- D6-P-07 Towards an improved representation of the urban climate: an application of artificial intelligence