Scientific Calendar Event


Elisabetta Collini
(University of Padova &
Padua Quantum Technologies Research Center)

The increasing ability to prepare systems with nanoscale resolution and address their optical properties with ultrashort time precision is revealing quantum phenomena with tremendous potentiality in quantum nanotechnologies. Colloidal plexcitonic materials promise to play a pivotal role in this scenario. Plexcitons are hybrid states originating from the mixing of the plasmon resonances of metal nanostructures with molecular excitons. They allow nanoscale confinement of electromagnetic fields and the establishment of strong couplings between light and matter, potentially giving rise to controllable and tunable coherent phenomena. However, the characterization of the ultrafast coherent and incoherent dynamics of colloidal plexciton nanohybrids remains highly unexplored. Here, 2D electronic spectroscopy is employed to study the quantum coherent interactions active after the photoexcitation of these systems. By comparing the response of the nanohybrids with the one of the uncoupled systems, the nonlinear photophysical processes at the base of the coherent dynamics were identified, allowing a step forward toward the effective understanding and exploitation of these nanomaterials.
Nicola Peruffo1, Fabrizio Mancin1, Elisabetta Collini,1,2*
1Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Padova
2Padua Quantum Technologies Research Center

Coffee/Tea Refreshments
will be served prior to the Seminar
at 11:00 c/o Leonardo Building Terrace (or at LB Bar, in case of bad weather)

Zoom registration at:

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