Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 5 Dec 2023
Ends 14 Dec 2023
Central European Time
Kyoto - Japan
Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
On this school
The Kavli Asian Winter School (KAWS) on Strings, Particles and Cosmology is a pan-Asian collaborative effort of high energy theorists from China, India, Korea, and Japan to give young researchers in Asia an opportunity to come together and learn about the latest developments in high energy theory from leading experts on the subject.
This school is aimed towards advanced graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and active researchers in the field. This is the 18th in a series of Asian Winter Schools that have been organized on a rotating basis between China, India, Korea, and Japan. We welcome students from all of these participating countries as well as students from outside.
The previous Asian Winter Schools in this series have provided young researchers with opportunity for discussions with leading experts in diverse areas and also for initiating collaboration with other young researchers from different countries. We hope that 18th KAWS will continue this tradition.
Invited Lecturers:
Fernando Alday (Oxford): Conformal Bootstrap
Clay Cordova (Chicago): Generalized Symmetries
Sergei Gukov (Caltech): Machine Learning and QFT/Strings
Veronika Hubeny (UC Davis): Quantum Information and Holography
Igor Klebanov (Princeton): Confinement and QCD strings
Hong Liu (MIT): Algebraic Quantum Field Theories and Quantum Gravity
Ana-Maria Raclariu (Perimeter): Celestial Holography
Susanne Reffert (Bern): Large-charge Expansions in QFT

LINK for applications in person & online:

**DEADLINE: 07/09/2023**


ICTP Scientific Contact: Agnese Bissi (ICTP)