Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 8 Apr 2024
Ends 19 Apr 2024
Central European Time
Budinich Lecture Hall (LB)
Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
An ICTP - WE Heraeus Meeting

The intersection of machine learning and quantum simulation is emerging as a fruitful research area. This combined school and workshop will bring together leading experts as well as interested students to foster exchange between communities and explore synergies between the fields.
In the past two decades, major advancements in machine learning (ML) and quantum simulation have been achieved. ML algorithms define the state of the art in natural language processing and image recognition; quantum simulation is opening up new avenues to investigate correlated matter. Both fields are becoming increasingly intertwined in recent attempts to provide insights in quantum many-body physics. An objective of developing machine learning-enhanced numerical methods and quantum simulation is to push our capabilities to study exotic phases or non-equilibrium states. Furthermore, while quantum simulators emerge as a new tool to address these outstanding research topics, their advent raises further questions that ML approaches can potentially solve.
This event aims to discuss, where quantum challenges match the natural strengths of ML and, reversely, the quantum applications call for developing new ML techniques.
The event will revolve around the four core topics:
1. Quantum simulation of many-body systems
2. Data-driven characterization of quantum systems
3. Quantum state representation with machine learning models
4. Protocol optimization for quantum control

School Speakers:
Francesca FERLAINO, University of Innsbruck and IQOQI
Eliska GREPLOVA, Delft University of Technology
Florian MARQUARDT, Max Planck for the Science of Light
Edwin Miles STOUDENMIRE, Flatiron Institute
Filippo VICENTINI, Ecole Polytechnique

Conference Speakers:
Federico BECCA, University of Trieste
Ao CHEN, University of Augsburg
Alexandre DAUPHIN, Pasqal
Anna DAWID, Flatiron Institute
Vedran DUNJKO, Leiden University
Kaden HAZZARD, University of Rice
Johannes KOFLER, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Richard KUENG, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Zala LENARCIC, Jozef Stefan Institute
Julian LEONARD, TU Wien
Ludwig MATHEY, University of Hamburg
Friederike METZ, EPFL
Evert van NIEUWENBURG, Leiden University
Yusuke NOMURA, Tohoku University
Thereza PAIVA, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Markus OBERTHALER, Heidelberg University
Anna SANPERA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Agnes VALENTI, ETH Zurich
Benoit VERMERSCH, University of Grenoble-Alpes
Johannes ZEIHER, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Pan ZHANG, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Research abstract: Applicants are invited to submit a research abstract for a poster presentation and/or contributed talk. Please use the ICTP templates that are available below for download.

Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.
Deadline for applicants requesting financial and/or visa support is 4 February 2024; deadline for all other applicants is 8 March 2024.
**DEADLINE: 08/03/2024**
Estelle Inack (Perimeter Institute, yiyaniQ), Markus Heyl (University of Augsburg), Tiago Mendes Santos (University of Augsburg, Pasqal), Markus Schmitt (University of Regensburg, FZ Jülich), Christof Weitenberg (University of Hamburg), Local Organiser: Ralph Gebauer (ICTP)
The Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundationweher1
Monica Petronela Ancuta, Viktoriya Lvova, Adriana Pinto


Estelle Inack (Perimeter Institute, yiyaniQ), Markus Heyl (University of Augsburg), Tiago Mendes Santos (University of Augsburg, Pasqal), Markus Schmitt (University of Regensburg, FZ Jülich), Christof Weitenberg (University of Hamburg), Local Organiser: Ralph Gebauer (ICTP)
