Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 8 Jul 2024
Ends 26 Jul 2024
Central European Time
Kampala - Uganda
Makerere University

2024 EAUMP-ICTP School on the Mathematics of AI, in collaboration with AMU, CIMPA and ISP

An ICTP Meeting in person

The school presents a distinctive opportunity to explore the foundational mathematics of artificial intelligence (AI).

By convening experts in diverse fields, encompassing data assimilation, inverse problems, statistics, control theory, and graph theory — integral components of the mathematical machinery driving successful AI systems — the school offers participants a comprehensive perspective. Engaging lectures and workshops will cover key topics such as mathematical modeling of AI algorithms, optimization techniques, and the theoretical underpinnings of machine learning.

Positioned centrally in Kampala, this inclusive curriculum provides a dynamic platform for students and researchers to deepen their comprehension of the Mathematics of AI, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange in the heart of Africa.

Speakers and titles:

Week 1
Jana DE WILJES (TU Ilmenau, Germany) - Sequential Decision Making
Jan-Hendrik DE WILJES (Freie Uni Berlin, Germany) - Graph tools for AI and ML

Week 2
Matt MOORES (University of Wollongong, Australia) - R and machine learning
Antonietta MIRA (Universita della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland/Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy) - Statistics of AI

Week 3
Lassi ROININEN (LUT University, Finland) - Probabilistic machine learning
Denis NDANGUZA (University of Rwanda) - Data analytics and Machine Learning
Dinna RANIRINA (AIMS - Rwanda), Andrew KATUMBA (Makerere University, Uganda) - Foundations of Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.

The school gratefully acknowledges the support of The Barton and Chandaria Families.

**DEADLINE: 01/04/2024**


Engineer Bainomugisha (Makerere University, Uganda), Godwin Kakuba (Makerere University, Uganda), Juma Kasozi (Makerere University, Uganda), Betty Nannyonga Kivumbi (Makerere University, Uganda), Stephen Luketero (University of Nairobi, Kenya), John Mango (Makerere University, Uganda), Geoffrey Mirumbe (Makerere University, Uganda), Joyce Nabende (Makerere University, Uganda), Lassi Roininen (LUT University, Finland), Balazs Szendroi (University of Vienna, Austria), Alex Behakanira Tumwesigye (Makerere University, Uganda), Bengt-Ove Turesson (Uppsala University, Sweden), Paul Vaderlind (Stockholm University, Sweden), ICTP Scientific Contact: Emanuel Carneiro (ICTP)