Scientific Calendar Event

An ICTP-IAEA meeting in person

During this School, the IAEA and international experts will share their insights and experience to familiarize the participants with the basic concepts, methodology and tools for performing modelling, analysis and sustainability assessment of nuclear energy systems.

The International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) was established within the IAEA in 2000, with the goal to ensure that nuclear energy is available to contribute, in a sustainable manner, to the growing energy needs of the current century and beyond. INPRO is one of several key IAEA programmes.

The IAEA has developed a set of decision support tools for developing nuclear energy scenarios and conducting studies for formulating national strategies for sustainable nuclear energy systems. The INPRO School aims to disseminate these tools and to develop and strengthen the competencies needed for long-term strategic planning of sustainable nuclear energy systems at the national, regional, and global levels. This objective is accomplished by providing knowledge and basic practical experience on the INPRO analytical approaches, methods and tools for assessment and analysis of nuclear energy systems.

The School programme focuses on the following topics related to the sustainability of nuclear energy systems:
  • Energy planning and strategies for sustainable development
  • Planning for nuclear energy sustainability
  • INPRO methodology for assessing sustainability of nuclear energy systems
  • The role of innovations for sustainability of nuclear energy systems
  • Methods and tools for modelling and analysis of nuclear energy systems
  • Evolutionary and innovative reactor designs, including SMRs

Poster: Applicants are encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster presentation, the priority will be given to those applicants who intend to present the poster.

A. BYCHKOV, International Expert
G. FESENKO, International Expert (remote)
I. JALAL, International Expert
A. N. KILIC, IAEA (remote)
C. MARGEANU, Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti
A. OSBORNE, Colorado School of Mines, USA
H. J. PAILLERE, IAEA (remote)
I. PIORO, Ontario Tech University, Canada
H. TURTON, IAEA (remote)

Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.

Go to day
  • Monday, 8 July 2024
    • 08:30 - 09:00
      • 08:30 Registration and administrative formalities 30'
        Upon arrival, Visitors not staying in the ICTP Guest Houses, are kindly requested to complete registration formalities at the Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level). The Registration Desk will be open from 8.30 to 9.00
    • 09:00 - 17:30
      • 09:00 IAEA Welcome/Opening remarks 10'
        Speaker: Aline DES CLOIZEAUX (Director of the Division of Nuclear Power, IAEA, Austria)
      • 09:10 ICTP Welcome Remarks 10'
        Speaker: Ralf Kaiser (ICTP, Italy)
      • 09:20 Self-introduction of participants 40'
      • 10:00 INPRO School objectives, scope, and programme 30'
        Speaker: Maxim GLADYSHEV (IAEA, Austria)
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 IAEA/NE Department presentation 30'
        Speaker: Aline DES CLOIZEAUX (Director of the Division of Nuclear Power, IAEA, Austria)
      • 11:30 Global energy supply-demand trends and challenges for sustainable development 45'
        Speaker: Henri Jacques PAILLERE (IAEA, Austria)
      • 12:15 Lunch Break 1h15'
      • 13:30 Combating climate change and the role for nuclear power 45'
        Speaker: Haledmund TURTON (IAEA, Austria)
      • 14:15 Overview of INPRO Methodology and Nuclear Energy System Assessment (NESA) 45'
        Speaker: Carolynn SCHERER (IAEA, Austria)
      • 15:00 Coffee Break 30'
      • 15:30 INPRO Methodology: Infrastructure 45'
        Speaker: Carolynn SCHERER (IAEA, Austria)
      • 16:15 Poster session 1h15'
        Moderator: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
    • 18:00 - 20:00
      • 18:00 Welcome reception 2h0'
  • Tuesday, 9 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 18:45
      • 09:00 Economics of nuclear power: understanding the cost structure of a nuclear power project 45'
        Speaker: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
      • 09:45 Economics of nuclear power: economic competitiveness of nuclear power 45'
        Speaker: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 INPRO Methodology: Economics 45'
        Speaker: Carolynn SCHERER (IAEA, Austria)
      • 11:45 Questions 30'
      • 12:15 Lunch Break 1h15'
      • 13:30 INPRO tool for economic analysis NEST 45'
        Speaker: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
      • 14:15 Demonstration of NEST 45'
        Speaker: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
      • 15:00 Coffee Break 30'
      • 15:30 WORK SESSION group projects for all participants: Economic analysis using NEST 1h30'
        Moderator: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
      • 17:00 Poster session 1h0'
        Moderator: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
  • Wednesday, 10 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 17:00
      • 09:00 Role of innovations: Technological and Institutional 45'
        Speaker: Hussam KHARTABIL (IAEA, Austria)
      • 09:45 Current status of radioactive waste management. Nuclear power wastes for current and innovative systems 45'
        Speaker: Alexander BYCHKOV (Expert)
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 INPRO Methodology: Waste management 45'
        Speaker: Alexander BYCHKOV (Expert)
      • 11:45 Questions 15'
      • 12:00 Group Photo 15'
      • 12:15 Lunch Break 1h15'
      • 13:30 Evolutionary water-cooled reactor designs 45'
        Speaker: Alexei MIASSOEDOV (IAEA, Austria)
      • 14:15 Innovative Reactor Designs 45'
        Speaker: Alexei MIASSOEDOV (IAEA, Austria)
      • 15:00 Coffee Break 30'
      • 15:30 WORK SESSION group projects for all participants: Economic analysis using NEST 1h30'
        Moderator: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
  • Thursday, 11 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 17:00
      • 09:00 INPRO Methodology: Safety of nuclear reactors 45'
        Speaker: Mikhail KHOROSHEV (IAEA, Austria)
      • 09:45 INPRO Methodology: Nuclear fuel cycle facilities safety 45'
        Speaker: Alexander BYCHKOV (Expert)
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 INPRO Methodology: Proliferation Resistance 45'
        Speaker: Carolynn SCHERER (IAEA, Austria)
      • 11:45 Questions 15'
      • 12:00 Lunch Break 1h30'
      • 13:30 Nuclear Fuel Cycle: technologies, innovations, national and international approaches 45'
        Speaker: Alexander BYCHKOV (Expert)
      • 14:15 INPRO Methodology: Environmental impacts and resources for future nuclear power 45'
        Speaker: Alexander BYCHKOV (Expert)
      • 15:00 Coffee Break 30'
      • 15:30 WORK SESSION group projects for all participants: Economic analysis using NEST 1h30'
        Moderator: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
  • Friday, 12 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 17:00
      • 09:00 Small Modular Reactor designs. IAEA SMR Platform 45'
        Speaker: Alexei MIASSOEDOV (IAEA, Austria)
      • 09:45 Future nuclear energy systems with hydrogen and fusion 45'
        Speaker: Mikhail KHOROSHEV (IAEA, Austria)
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Nuclear Reactor Technology Assessment 45'
        Speaker: Alexei MIASSOEDOV (IAEA, Austria)
      • 11:45 Questions 15'
      • 12:00 Lunch Break 1h30'
      • 13:30 Global nuclear energy scenarios in INPRO collaborative projects and role of SMRs I 45'
        Speaker: Alexander BYCHKOV (Expert)
      • 14:15 Global nuclear energy scenarios in INPRO collaborative projects and role of SMRs II 45'
        Speaker: Alexander BYCHKOV (Expert)
      • 15:00 Coffee Break 30'
      • 15:30 WORK SESSION group projects for all participants: Economic analysis using NEST 1h30'
        Moderator: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
  • Monday, 15 July 2024
    • 08:50 - 17:00
      • 08:50 Recap from first week 10'
        Speaker: Maxim GLADYSHEV (IAEA, Austria)
      • 09:00 Current status and future trends in the world nuclear-power industry 45'
        Speaker: Igor PIORO (University of Ontario, Canada)
      • 09:45 Advancing Sustainable Nuclear Energy: The Role of Gen IV Reactors in Fulfilling INPRO Methodology Criteria 45'
        Speaker: Igor PIORO (University of Ontario, Canada)
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Introduce the Gen IV Handbook and ASME Journal NERS 45'
        Speaker: Igor PIORO (University of Ontario, Canada)
      • 11:45 Questions 15'
      • 12:00 Lunch Break 1h30'
      • 13:30 Travelling wave reactors 45'
        Speaker: Andrew OSBORNE (Colorado School of Mines, USA)
      • 14:15 Planning for sustainable energy development 45'
        Speaker: Mario TOT (IAEA, Austria)
      • 15:00 Coffee Break 30'
      • 15:30 Overview of IAEA energy modelling tools offered by the IAEA 45'
        Speaker: Mario TOT (IAEA, Austria)
      • 16:15 Overview of INPRO methods and tools for nuclear energy planning 45'
        Speaker: Galina FESENKO (Expert)
  • Tuesday, 16 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 17:00
      • 09:00 Overview and demonstration of MAED tool 45'
        Speaker: Mario TOT (IAEA, Austria)
      • 09:45 Overview of MESSAGE tool for exploring energy pathways 45'
        Speaker: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Demonstration of MESSAGE tool 1h0'
        Speaker: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
      • 12:00 Lunch Break 1h30'
      • 13:30 Building competencies in strategic planning for sustainable nuclear energy development 45'
        Speaker: Andrei KOSILOV (National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Russia)
      • 14:15 Nuclear energy systems (NES) simulators: Approach, Assumptions and Applications 45'
        Speaker: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
      • 15:00 Coffee Break 30'
      • 15:30 WORK SESSION group projects for all participants: NES simulators 1h30'
        Moderators: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria), Cristina Alice MARGEANU (Institute For Nuclear Research, Romania)
  • Wednesday, 17 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 17:45
      • 09:00 Modelling nuclear power and fuel cycle in MESSAGE-NES 1h30'
        Speaker: Cristina Alice MARGEANU (Institute For Nuclear Research, Romania)
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Modelling Climate and SDG targets in MESSAGE 1h0'
        Speaker: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
      • 12:00 Lunch Break 1h30'
      • 13:30 Comparative evaluation of NES options with multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA): the KIND approach and tool 45'
        Speaker: Cristina Alice MARGEANU (Institute For Nuclear Research, Romania)
      • 14:15 Demonstration of KIND-ET tool: Multicriteria Comparative Evaluation of SMR and Large Reactor in Romania's Energy System by using KIND-ET 45'
        Speaker: Cristina Alice MARGEANU (Institute For Nuclear Research, Romania)
      • 15:00 Coffee Break 30'
      • 15:30 Dealing with uncertainties and sensitivity analysis 45'
        Speaker: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria)
      • 16:15 WORK SESSION group projects for all participants: NES simulators 1h30'
        Speaker: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria), Cristina Alice MARGEANU (Institute For Nuclear Research, Romania)
  • Thursday, 18 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 17:00
      • 09:00 Roadmaps for a transition to globally sustainable nuclear energy systems 45'
        Speaker: Cristina Alice MARGEANU (Institute For Nuclear Research, Romania)
      • 09:45 Establishing infrastructure for a nuclear power programme 45'
        Speaker: Andrei KOSILOV (National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Russia)
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Grid management with NPPs and renewables 45'
        Speaker: Nesimi KILIC (IAEA, Austria)
      • 11:45 Questions 15'
      • 12:00 Lunch Break 1h30'
      • 13:30 FRAmework for Modelling Electricity Systems (FRAMES) 45'
        Speaker: Nesimi KILIC (IAEA, Austria)
      • 14:15 WORK SESSION group projects for all participants: NES simulators 45'
        Speaker: Ahmed Irej JALAL (Austria), Cristina Alice MARGEANU (Institute For Nuclear Research, Romania)
      • 15:00 Coffee Break 30'
      • 15:30 WORK SESSION Preparation of Presentations of Group Projects 1h30'
  • Friday, 19 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 14:30
      • 09:00 Presentation of Participants' Group Projects 1h30'
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Presentation of Participants' Group Projects 1h0'
      • 12:00 Lunch Break 1h30'
      • 13:30 Wrap-up, Feedback, Certificates and Closing 1h0'