Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 5 Aug 2024
Ends 9 Aug 2024
Central European Time
Budinich Lecture Hall (LB)
Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
The deadline for applicants  not needing financial support nor visa is 7 July 2024.

The call for applications is open. Please click on 'Apply here' to submit your application.

An ICTP Meeting in person

Call for Contributed Abstracts: All applicants are encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster presentation and a contributed talk. Abstract templates are available below for download.

Grants:  A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.
You can submit your application to both school and workshop  at the following link:
School and Workshop on Dynamical Systems
**DEADLINE: 07/07/2024**
The deadline for applicants requesting financial and/or visa support is 21 April 2024; the deadline for all other applicants is 7 July 2024.


Jose Ferreira Alves (University of Porto, Portugal), Jacopo De Simoi (University of Toronto, Canada), Corinna Ulcigrai (University of Zurich, Switzerland), Marcelo Viana (IMPA, Brazil), Local Organiser: Stefano Luzzatto (ICTP)