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EAE Track: Energy Access Explorer: A Data-driven, Integrated and Inclusive Energy Planning


Location: ICTP
Address: Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
Room: Kastler Lecture Hall (AGH)
Date: 12 Aug 09:00 - 17:00


The main part of the workshop (August 12 - 23) will comprise of hands-on activities with onsite support from the trainer. Participants and trainers will work together to develop and customize the Energy Access Explorer in each country. Configuration and analysis should take into account available data and assumptions that best reflect the current situation and/or long-run planning objectives in each country. At the end of this activity each participant should have a functional and well-documented version of Energy Access Explorer, which can be used to perform custom, on-the-fly analysis to link electricity access with socio-economic development in their countries. Participants will prepare the front- and back-end configuration and perform a relevant analysis scenario that will be shared in as a powerpoint presentation and report at the end of the workshop.

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Carla Cannone (Imperial College & L'boro University, UK), Mark Idwal Howells (Imperial College & L'boro University, UK), Vivien Foster (Imperial College London, UK), Ashish Shrestha (ESMAP/World Bank, USA), Naomi Tan Yee Chyng (Imperial College & L'boro University, UK), Adrian Tompkins (ICTP, Italy), Rudolf Yeganyan (Imperial College & L'boro University, UK ), Local Organiser: Adrian Tompkins (ICTP)