Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 2 Sep 2024
Ends 6 Sep 2024
Central European Time
Budinich Lecture Hall (LB)
Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
An ICTP Meeting in person

The Trieste Algebraic Geometry Summer School (TAGSS) will focus in 2024 on Tropical Geometry which translates Algebraic Geometry into Combinatorics, turning varieties into polyhedral complexes. Tropical varieties retain a surprising amount of information about their classical counterparts.


Margarida Melo (Università Roma Tre): Tropical moduli spaces of curves and Jacobians
  • moduli space of curves and its Deligne-Mumford compactification
  • tropical moduli spaces of stable curves
  • universal Jacobians, classical and tropical
  • compactifications of universal Jacobians

Marta Panizzut (UiT - The Arctic University of Norway): Computing in tropical geometry
  • computational tools to tropicalize varieties over valued fields
  • examples of polyhedral computations
  • curves and surfaces through tropical lenses
  • connections to applied areas: statistics and physics

Contributed talks: Participants interested in giving a short communication are invited to submit an abstract. Abstract templates are available below for download.

Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.

Other information regarding past editions can be found at the following link:
The deadline for applicants requesting financial and/or visa support and for submitting an abstract is 31 March 2024; the deadline for all other applicants is 31 May 2024.
**DEADLINE: 31/05/2024**


Valentina Beorchia (University of Trieste), Ada Boralevi (Politecnico di Torino), Barbara Fantechi (SISSA), Local Organiser: Alina Marian (ICTP & Northeastern University)
