Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 2 Sep 2024
Ends 7 Sep 2024
Central European Time
Beijing - China
The call for applications is open. Please click on 'Apply here' to submit your application

An ICTP Meeting in Beijing

The conference will be held at the Beijing Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA). BIMSA is located in the Huairou District of Beijing which is famous for its nature and great scenery.

The aim is to bring together renowned local and international experts on modern aspects of topological quantum field theory for talks and discussions. The range of covered topics will include

1) Classification of TQFTs
2) Modular Tensor Categories
3) Subfactors
4) Gauge Theory aspects
5) Representation theory of Quantum Algebras
6) Vertex Operator Algebras
7) Quantum invariants of knots and manifolds
8) Topological twisting of supersymmetric field theories
9) Topological Quantum Computation
10) Infinite TQFT

The goal will be to give participants a global view on current developments in topological quantum field theory and encourage interactions and connections.

Confirmed Speakers:
J. ANDERSEN, University of Southern Denmark
J. BROWN, University of Edinburgh, UK
T. DIMOFTE, University of Edinburgh, UK
S. GAROUFALIDIS, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Germany
J. GU, Southeast University, China
B. GUI, Tsinghua University, China
S. GUKOV, California Institute of Technology, USA
S. GUNNINGHAM, Montana State University, USA
A. KAPUSTIN, California Institute of Technology, USA
R. KASHAEV, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Y. KAWAHIGASHI, University of Tokyo, Japan
Z. LIU, Tsinghua University, China
S. PARK, Harvard University, USA
I. RUNKEL, University of Hamburg, Germany
C. SCHWEIGERT, University of Hamburg, Germany
M. YAMASHITA, Kyoto University, Japan
**DEADLINE: 20/06/2024**


Babak Haghighat (Tsinghua University), Zhengwei Liu (Tsinghua University & BIMSA), Nikolai Reshetikhin (Tsinghua University & UC Berkeley), ICTP Scientific Contact: Pavel Putrov (ICTP)
