Scientific Calendar Event

An ICTP hybrid meeting

Organized convective systems are often responsible for high impact precipitation extremes, and changes in convective organization have the potential to amplify or dampen future climate change. This workshop will examine our present knowledge of convective organization in models and observations.

Convective organization is of special relevance to both weather and climate. Despite representing only 20% of cloud systems, mesoscale organised convective systems have been shown to provide over 80% of surface precipitation in the West Africa monsoon. Convective organised systems are also frequently associated with precipitation extremes.

Changes in convective organisation and clustering in future may represent a feedback on climate that is poorly represented, or even absent, in current generation models. Present efforts to improve our understanding include observational studies, highly idealized models, limited-area convective permitting models, and global models which use parameterizations or are operating at convective permitting resolutions in state-of-the-art projects such as Nextgems.

Following on from the 3rd cloud organisation workshop (WCO3), this workshop aims to bring together all these tools to assess our present understanding of convective organization.

  • Convective self-aggregation in idealized experiments
  • Precipitation extremes associated with organized convection
  • Using idealized models to improve our understanding of aggregation
  • How can we better use observations?
  • Impact of aggregation and organization changing on climate sensitivity
  • Aggregation in global cloud resolving model experiments

Call for Contributed Abstracts: All applicants are encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster presentation and a contributed talk during WCO4. Abstract templates are available below for download. This is a semi-hybrid meeting, with the opportunity to follow talks live online. However, those intending to present in person will be given priority for oral slots.  Poster sessions will be in-person only.

Grants: For this workshop there is not foreseen financial support. If you would like to apply for financial support, please submit your application for the entire school at the following link:
Registration: There is no registration fee.
Go to day
  • Tuesday, 9 July 2024
    • 14:00 - 14:30
      • 14:00 Registration formalities 30'
        REGISTRATION: Upon arrival, Visitors not staying in the ICTP Guest Houses and attending the workshop only are kindly requested to complete registration formalities at the Adriatico Guesthouse - Registration Desk (Lower level) from 14:00 to 14:30.
    • 14:30 - 16:30 Cloud-resolving models at large scale
      Chairperson:  Jan HAERTER (University of Potsdam, Germany)
      • 14:30 Opening remarks 15'
      • 14:45 Relationships between clouds, circulation, and radiation in long-channel radiative convective equilibrium simulations 30'
        Speaker: Christopher Earl HOLLOWAY (University of Reading, UK)
      • 15:15 Changes in clouds and the tropical circulation in global kilometer-scale simulations under different warming patterns 15'
        Speaker: Lorenzo Franco TOMASSINI (UK Met Office, UK)
      • 15:30 Convective systems in a global kilometer-scale model 15'
        Speaker: Emma Anne-Marie Ombeline CHAUVIN (Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM), France)
      • 15:45 Discussion 15'
      • 16:00 Break 30'
    • 16:30 - 18:00 Conceptual models/shallow cumulus
      Chairperson: Ben MAYBEE (University of Leeds, UK)
      • 16:30 Progress in convection parameterization using multiscale and multicloud modeling constrained by observations 30'
        Speaker: Boualem KHOUIDER (University of Victoria, Canada)
        Material: Abstract
      • 17:00 Formation of Shallow Cumulus Patterns Using a Warm Cloud- Precipitation Competition Model 15'
        Speaker: Michelle KANIPE (Colorado State University, USA)
        Material: Abstract
      • 17:15 Cold Pools Mediate the Response of Trade Cumulus Fields to Cloud-Droplet Number Perturbations 15'
        Speaker: Pouriya ALINAGHI (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
      • 17:30 Organisation in parcel-based simulations of cumulus clouds 15'
        Speaker: Steven BOEING (University of Leeds, UK)
      • 17:45 Discussion 15'
  • Wednesday, 10 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 11:00 Self-aggregration and RCEMIP
      Chairperson: Florence Joanna GREAVES (University of Leeds, UK)
      • 09:00 Impact of Organization of Convection on Cloud Feedbacks in RCEMIP 30'
        Speaker: Allison WING (Florida State University, USA)
        Material: Abstract
      • 09:30 Can Lorg and other organization indices explain shallow cloud organisation? 15'
        Speaker: Giulio MANDORLI (Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) / Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique (LMD), France)
      • 09:45 Aggregation-disaggregation cycles in ERA5 15'
        Speaker: Larissa Elisabeth BACK (University of Wisconsin, USA)
      • 10:00 Tropical precipitation extremes and their modulation by convective organization in RCEMIP 15'
        Speaker: Graham O'DONNELL (Florida State University, USA)
      • 10:15 Discussion 15'
      • 10:30 Group photo 10'
      • 10:40 Coffee break 20'
    • 11:00 - 12:30 Poster session
      • 11:00 Poster pitches 1 15'
        last names A-I
      • 11:15 Poster session 1 1h15'
    • 12:30 - 14:30
      • 12:30 Lunch break 2h0'
    • 14:30 - 16:30 Convection buffet
      Chairperson: Pouriya ALINAGHI (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
      • 14:30 Exploiting AI methods to get the most out of multiscale observations 30'
        Speaker: Claudia ACQUISTAPACE (University of Cologne, Germany)
        Material: Abstract
      • 15:00 Revisiting the Weak Temperature Gradient Approximation in Cloud-Resolving Models 15'
        Speaker: Nathanael WONG (Harvard University, USA)
      • 15:15 Radiative feedbacks in the observed Madden-Julian oscillation 15'
        Speaker: Wei-Ting HSIAO (Colorado State University, USA)
      • 15:30 The Stirring Tropics 15'
        Speaker: Victor Raul CHAVEZ MAYTA (University of Wisconsin, USA)
      • 15:45 Discussion 15'
      • 16:00 Break 30'
    • 16:30 - 18:00 Observations of convective building blocks
      Chairperson: Anna Rose MACKIE (University of St Andrews, UK)
      • 16:30 Global Diurnal Rain Types in 3-D 30'
        Speaker: Courtney SCHUMACHER (Texas A&M University, USA)
      • 17:00 Organization of deep convection and morphology of tropical convective systems: insights from satellite observations 15'
        Speaker: Rémy Dominique ROCA (CNRS, France)
      • 17:15 Multiscale Controls on Oceanic Tropical Precipitation in Observations and Models 15'
        Speaker: Pedro ANGULO UMANA (University of Washington, USA)
      • 17:30 Deep convection over Northwestern South America 15'
        Speaker: Daniel HERNANDEZ DECKERS (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia)
      • 17:45 Discussion 15'
  • Thursday, 11 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 11:00 Deep convection: patterns and interactions
      Chairperson: Thomas BASSFORD (University of Leeds, UK)
      • 09:00 Impact of a Mixed Ocean Layer and the Diurnal Cycle on Convective Aggregation 30'
        Speaker: Addisu Gezahegn SEMIE (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)
      • 09:30 More extreme Indian monsoon daily rainfall in El Niño summers 15'
        Speaker: Spencer Alan HILL (City College of New York, USA)
      • 09:45 Circulation and Cloud Response to Patterned Warming 15'
        Speaker: Anna Rose MACKIE (University of St Andrews, UK)
      • 10:00 Variability of Offshore Propagation of Convection from Maritime Continent Islands 15'
        Speaker: Simon Christopher PEATMAN (University of Leeds, UK)
      • 10:15 Discussion 15'
      • 10:30 Coffee break 30'
    • 11:00 - 12:30 Poster session
      • 11:00 Poster pitches 2 15'
        last names J-Z
      • 11:15 Poster session 2 1h15'
    • 12:30 - 14:30
      • 12:30 Lunch break 2h0'
    • 14:30 - 15:45 MCSs and local circulations
      Chairperson: Steven BOEING (University of Leeds, UK)
      • 14:30 Improved dynamics of deep-convective storms influences forcing of tropical circulation 15'
        Speaker: Ben Wickham MAYBEE (University of Leeds, UK)
      • 14:45 Role of cloud-radiation interactions in controlling mesoscale convective lifecycles in the East Pacific 15'
        Speaker: Laura Giulianna PACCINI PENA (University of Virginia, USA)
      • 15:00 Effect of orography on deep convective events over an inter-Andean tropical valley 15'
        Speaker: Sebastian GOMEZ RIOS (Institucion Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia, Colombia)
      • 15:15 Near-Surface atmospheric circulation around the Furnas Lake in Brazil simulated with RegCM5-CP 15'
        Speaker: Michelle SIMOES REBOITA (IRN - UNIFEI, Brazil)
      • 15:30 Discussion 15'
    • 17:30 - 19:00
      • 17:30 Welcome Reception 1h30'
        All participants are cordially invited to the Welcome Reception
  • Friday, 12 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 11:00 Machine learning and statistical methods
      Chairperson: Leif Christopher DENBY (Danish Meteorological Institut, Denmark)
      • 09:00 Data-Driven Interpretable Equation for Predicting Convective Precipitation 30'
        Speaker: Sara SHAMEKH (NYU, USA)
        Material: Abstract
      • 09:30 Variational Bayes Inference for Stochastic Convection Parametrizations 15'
        Speaker: Carlos Gabriel SEVILLA (University of Victoria, Canada)
      • 09:45 Predicting the Frequency of Low Cloud Mesoscale Morphologies in Extratropical Cyclones Using Cloud Controlling Factors 15'
        Speaker: Shuoyun TONG (University of Washington, USA)
      • 10:00 Can convection permitting forecasts solve the tropical African precipitation forecasting problem? 15'
        Speaker: Felix Michael REIN (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany)
      • 10:15 Discussion 15'
      • 10:30 Coffee break 30'
    • 11:00 - 12:45 Conceptual models (part 2)
      Chairperson: Adrian TOMPKINS (ICTP, Italy)
      • 11:00 Interaction of diurnal convection with a large-scale overturning circulation 15'
        Speaker: Jan HAERTER (University of Potsdam, Germany)
      • 11:15 Autocorrelation – A Simple Diagnostic for Tropical Precipitation in Global Kilometer-Scale Climate Models 15'
        Speaker: Michela BIASUTTI (Columbia University, USA)
      • 11:30 A Predator-Prey Model for Nonlinear Precipitation Oscillations in Warm Climates 15'
        Speaker: Da YANG (University of Chicago, USA)
      • 11:45 Shallow-to-deep transition of atmospheric convection in analogy to the organization in a predator-prey system 15'
        Speaker: Cristian-Valer VRACIU (University of Bucharest, Romania)
      • 12:00 Evolutionary ecology of convective organization 15'
        Speaker: Brian Earle MAPES (University of Miami, USA)
      • 12:15 Discussion 15'
      • 12:30 Closing remarks 15'