Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 30 Nov 2023 14:00
Ends 30 Nov 2023 16:00
Central European Time
ICTP and Zoom
Leonardo Building - Budinich Lecture Hall
The 2023 Physics Without Frontiers Annual Meeting will bring together some of our PWF project leaders to showcase their work and the impact in their countries and regions.

Physics Without Frontiers works to motivate, train, and educate physics and mathematics university students worldwide, with focus on science and technology lagging countries, to help build the next generation of scientists.

The Physics Without Frontiers Volunteer Network is composed of hundreds of passionate scientists primarily originally from the partnered countries who are passionate about promoting and supporting physics and mathematics. With our extensive international network of volunteers we work with over 60 countries in the Global South, to help build the next generation of scientists!

You are invited to join us to celebrate the accomplishments of Physics Without Frontiers and look at some of the projects we organised this year through our volunteer network. Please come to meet us to find out more and how to get involved and join our network!

The recording of the event is availavble here