Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 28 Nov 2023 11:00
Ends 28 Nov 2023 12:00
Central European Time
room 138 (SISSA, via Bonomea) + via Zoom

Lata Kharkwal Joshi


Abstract: I will present recent works on measurement protocols for two probes of many-body quantum chaos; (i) The spectral form factor (SFF) and (ii) Out of time ordered correlators (OTOC). SFF characterizes statistics of energy eigenvalues, making it a key diagnostic of many-body quantum chaos. In addition, partial spectral form factors (PSFFs) can be defined which refer to subsystems of the many-body system. They provide unique insights into energy eigenstate statistics of many-body systems. We propose a protocol that allows the measurement of the SFF and pSFFs in quantum many-body spin models, within the framework of randomized measurements. For measurements of OTOCs, we utilize properties of thermo field double states. In both the cases, experimental results will be presented.