Scientific Calendar Event

Description An ICTP hybrid Meeting

The sea ice plays a key role in the climate system, through its impact on radiative fluxes and the modulation of freshwater, energy and gas transfers between the atmosphere and the ocean. Sea ice is also key to polar ecosystems and plays a central role in the lives of human communities in the Arctic. Sea ice has been ongoing drastic changes over the past few decades in the Arctic, and more recently in the Antarctic, with important regional and global implications that we have yet to unravel and quantify.

The objective of this workshop is to review the recent advances on understanding the variability of the sea ice in both hemispheres and its linkage with the climate system, and to discuss the important research avenues and opportunities to refine this understanding. To do so, the workshop will feature keynotes, group and panel discussions, as well as poster presentations with a focus on the following topics, each covering both polar regions:
  • Sea ice prediction and projections
  • Drivers of the recent sea ice decline
  • MIZ and coastal processes
  • From Mosaic to Antarctica InSync: perspective and prospective

Keynote speakers:
M. GUPTA, Delft Institute of Technology, Netherlands
P. HEIL, University of Tasmania, Australia
F. MASSONNET, UC Louvain, Belgium
M. NICOLAUS, Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Germany
S. STAMMERJOHN, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
M. VICHI, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Call for Contributed Abstracts: All applicants are encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster presentation. Abstract templates are available below for download.

Participants seeking to attend the whole period, can apply at the following link:

Go to day
  • Monday, 29 July 2024
    • 08:30 - 19:00
      • 08:30 Registration formalities 15'
        REGISTRATION for participants who are attending the workshop only: Upon arrival, Visitors not staying in the ICTP Guest Houses, are kindly requested to complete registration formalities at the Adriatico Guesthouse - Registration Desk (Lower level) from 08:30 to 8:45.
      • 08:45 Welcome remarks 15'
      • 09:00 From Mosaic to Antarctica InSync: perspective and prospective 1h0'
        Speaker: Marcel NICOLAUS (Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Germany), Alexander HAUMANN (AWI/LMU, Germany), Petra HEIL (University of Tasmania, Australia)
      • 10:00 Q&A 30'
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Drivers of the recent sea ice decline 1h0'
        Speaker: Sharon STAMMERJOHN (University of Colorado Boulder, USA), Camille LIQUE (IFREMER, France)
      • 12:00 Q&A 30'
      • 12:30 Lunch break 1h30'
      • 14:00 Group Discussion 1 1h30'
      • 15:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 16:00 Polarin 1h0'
        Speaker: Michele REBESCO (OGS, Italy)
      • 17:00 Lighting talks 1h0'
      • 18:00 Poster session 1h0'
    • 19:00 - 21:00
      • 19:00 Welcome Reception 2h0'
        All participants are cordially invited to a Welcome Reception.
  • Tuesday, 30 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 18:30
      • 09:00 MIZ and coastal processes 1h0'
        Speaker: Mukund GUPTA (Delft Institute of Technology, Netherlands), Marcello VICHI (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
      • 10:00 Q&A 30'
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Sea ice prediction and projections 1h0'
        Speaker: Francois MASSONNET (UC Louvain, Belgium), Tom BRACEGIRDLE (BAS, UK)
      • 12:00 Q&A 30'
      • 12:30 Lunch break 1h30'
      • 14:00 Group Discussion 2 1h30'
      • 15:30 Group photo 5'
      • 15:35 Coffee Break 25'
      • 16:00 Lightening talks 1h0'
      • 17:00 Poster session 1h30'
  • Wednesday, 31 July 2024
    • 09:00 - 15:30
      • 09:00 Students Presentations 1h30'
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Students Presentations 1h30'
      • 12:30 Lunch break 1h30'
      • 14:00 Wrap Up Session 1h30'