Scientific Calendar Event


Recent particle physics searches are focusing more and more on the study of light, feebly interacting particles, like neutrinos and dark matter. However, when these particles interact with our detectors, condensed matter effects become predominant like never before. This is both a challenge and an asset.
I will discuss how these effects can be included in this particle physics context, and exploited to push the boundaries of experimental searchers. In particular, I will present two idea: (1) the PTOLEMY project for the study of neutrinos using tritiated graphene, and (2) the possibility of employing anti-ferromagnets to look for sub-MeV dark matter, as well as (maybe) the QCD axion.
I will focus on how the standard condensed matter tools can be incorporated in the traditional particle physics language, as well as on new ways of dealing with condensed matter phenomena, exploiting the consequences of the spontaneous breaking of spacetime symmetries and effective field theory methods.

To Join via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 926 4999 1887


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