Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 20 Feb 2024 16:00
Ends 20 Feb 2024 17:30
Central European Time
L. Stasi Seminar Room and via Zoom

In recent years it has become apparent that unitarity and causality of QFT dramatically constrain the allowed space of consistent IR dynamics. In this talk I present how the electroweak parameters are constrained due to the particular structure of universal theories,  a broad class of well-motivated microscopic dynamics of the electroweak sector that go beyond the Standard Model description. In particular, the W and Y parameters are constrained to be positive by unitarity and are necessarily the leading effects at low energies. I discuss how this observation affects the interpretation of current data and assess the impact of future constraints.

To join via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 942 6750 7215

Passcode: 178365