Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 30 May 2024 16:00
Ends 30 May 2024 17:00
Central European Time
Leonardo Building, Luigi Stasi Seminar Room (and via Zoom)

Austen Lamacraft
(University of Cambridge)

Many of you will have played with cellular automata such as Conway's Game of Life. These are model systems in which complex and chaotic behaviours emerge from simple dynamical rules.
Motivated by quantum computation, physicists have in recent years begun to study *quantum circuits*, which are in some way quantum analogues of cellular automata. In this talk I'll discuss some of the similarities and differences between these two classes of systems, and what they can teach us about classical and quantum dynamics more generally.
Zoom registration link:

Coffee and tea refreshments
will be served at 15:30 on LB terrace (or bar in case of bad weather).