Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 4 Jun 2024 11:00
Ends 4 Jun 2024 12:00
Central European Time
Leonardo Building, Luigi Stasi Seminar Room (and via Zoom)

Sergej Moroz
(Karlstad University, Sweden)

I will present our investigations of the rich quantum phase diagram of Wegner's theory of discrete Ising gauge fields interacting with U(1) symmetric single-component fermion matter hopping on a two-dimensional square lattice. At half filling, I will present evidence of the deconfined Dirac semimetal and staggered Mott insulator phases. I will summarize our numerical investigations of the nature of an exotic phase transition between these phases. I will conjecture a u(1) deconfined criticality scenario, propose a corresponding low-energy effective field theory of the exotic quantum critical point in the two-dimensional limit. I will also identify several shortcomings of this conjecture.