Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 29 Aug 2024 11:00
Ends 29 Aug 2024 12:00
Central European Time
Leonardo Building, Luigi Stasi Seminar Room (and via Zoom)

Duo Zhang
(AI for Science Institute, Beijing and DP Technology)

The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are catalyzing transformative changes in atomic modeling, simulation and design. AI-driven potential energy models have demonstrated the capability to conduct large-scale, long-duration simulations with the accuracy of ab initio electronic structure methods. However, the model generation process remains a bottleneck for large-scale applications. We propose a shift towards a model-centric ecosystem, wherein a large atomic model (LAM), pre-trained across multiple disciplines, can be efficiently fine-tuned and distilled for various downstream tasks, thereby establishing a new framework for molecular modelling. In this study, we introduce the DPA-2 architecture as a prototype for LAMs. Pre-trained on a diverse array of chemical and materials systems using a multi-task approach, DPA-2 demonstrates superior generalization capabilities across multiple downstream tasks compared to the traditional single-task pre-training and fine-tuning methodologies. Our approach sets the stage for the development and broad application of LAMs in molecular and materials simulation research.