Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 17 Sep 2024 11:00
Ends 17 Sep 2024 12:00
Central European Time
Leonardo Building, Luigi Stasi Seminar Room (and via Zoom)
Benjamin Beri
(University of Cambridge)

The classical simulation of highly entangling quantum dynamics is conjectured to be generically hard. Thus, recently discovered measurement-induced transitions between highly entangling and low-entanglement dynamics are phase transitions in classical simulability. Here, we study simulability transitions beyond entanglement: noting that some highly entangling dynamics (e.g., integrable systems or Clifford circuits) are easy to classically simulate, thus requiring "magic"---a subtle form of quantum resource---to achieve computational hardness, we ask how the dynamics of magic competes with measurements. We study the resulting "dynamical magic transitions" focusing on random monitored Clifford circuits doped by T gates (injecting magic). We identify dynamical "stabilizer purification"---the collapse of a superposition of stabilizer states by measurements---as the mechanism driving this transition. We find cases where transitions in magic and entanglement coincide, but also others with a magic and simulability transition in a highly (volume-law) entangled phase. In establishing our results, we use Pauli-based computation, a scheme distilling the quantum essence of the dynamics to a magic state register subject to mutually commuting measurements. We link stabilizer purification to "magic fragmentation" wherein these measurements separate into disjoint, O(1)-weight blocks, and relate this to the spread of magic in the original circuit becoming arrested.
Based on PRX Quantum 5, 030332 (2024)