School on Synchrotron Light Sources and their Applications | (smr 4051)
Starts 13 Jan 2025
Ends 24 Jan 2025
Central European Time
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An ICTP virtual meeting
The School will introduce young scientists to the design, operation, and research opportunities offered at a modern synchrotron light source and how such sources are realized.
The school will be held over two weeks and will consist of three modules:
(1) Physical aspects concerning the design and function of the main components: accelerators, insertion devices and beamline optics;
(2) Overview of the arguments that can be made in order to fund and build a synchrotron light source, including socioeconomic benefits, stakeholder engagement, communication;
and (3) Overview of common beamline techniques, including those utilizing X-rays and infrared radiation.
Fundamentals of synchrotron radiation from storage rings
Fundamentals of X-ray interactions with matter
Design and operation of storage rings
Beamline design: Photon transport and optics
Bending magnets and insertion devices
Project management at a large facility
Ancillary devices for light sources
Socioeconomic justification
Cultural heritage
Stakeholder engagement/communications
Starting up user operations at a new facility
Industrial Applications
IR microscopy
Basics of X-ray crystallography and powder diffraction
Basics of structural biology
Fundamentals of X-ray absorption: EXAFS and XANES
XRF, TXRF, GIXRF and their applications in materials and life sciences