Joint ICTP-IAEA International School on Nuclear Security | (smr 4063)
Starts 7 Apr 2025
Ends 17 Apr 2025
Central European Time
Kastler Lecture Hall (AGH)
Adriatico Guest House Riva Massimiliano e Carlotta, Grignano I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
An ICTP-IAEA Meeting
The two-week School is designed for early career professionals from developing countries, ideally with 1-3 years of experience and working at relevant institutions in their home countries. The school provides an intense contemporary overview of nuclear security. Candidates should have a specific career interest in or knowledge of nuclear security, although academic and technical backgrounds may vary. Candidates with a scientific or technical background in a discipline such as nuclear physics, nuclear engineering, international relations, law enforcement, or related fields are especially encouraged to apply.
The school will consist of a series of lectures, group discussions and practical exercises, designed to incorporate the acquired knowledge into national planning and procedures to protect against threats to nuclear security. A technical visit will be conducted to show the participants some detection equipment and their applications.
The School curriculum will include the following topics:
Nuclear Security Overview and Essential Elements
International legal framework for nuclear security
Identification of and measures to address, threats against nuclear security
Physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities
Physical protection system design and evaluation
Nuclear security regime for radioactive material and associated facilities
Transport security for nuclear and other radioactive material
Threat and risk assessment, nuclear security detection architecture
Radiation detection instruments and detection strategies and techniques
Nuclear security culture, concept and definition, self-assessment and enhancement
Information and computer security
Introduction to Nuclear Material Accounting & Control and threats addressed by NMAC
Threat and risk for material out of regulatory control
Nuclear security systems and measures for major public events
Incident and trafficking database global analysis
Nuclear forensics and radiological crime scene management
IAEA Programmes and Assistance for Human Resource Development in Nuclear Security
Gender Equality and Diversity in Nuclear Security
Prerequisites: As a prerequisite to be eligible for the selection process, all applicants are asked to complete at least 5 of the 21 existing IAEA E-Learning modules on nuclear security, based on their choices. Certificates from previous years from 2020 and up are valid. Please find the link to all e-learning modules:
In case of technical issues, please contact:
Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.