Scientific Calendar Event

Description The call for applications is open, please click on "Apply here" on the left, in order to submit your application

Summer school: 2 - 6 June 2025
Conference: 9 - 13 June 2025 
The summer school is aimed at graduate students in low-dimensional topology. The goal is to make students familiar with the novel techniques in the field that have led to recent advances in our understanding of four-dimensional manifolds.
The program will consist of four mini-courses of 5 lectures each, all accompanied by discussion sessions:
1. Skein lasagna modules (by Mike Willis and Melissa Zhang)
2. Real Seiberg-Witten theory (by Hokuto Konno and Ian Montague)
3. Kontsevich invariants from configuration spaces (by Jianfeng Lin and Danica Kosanovic)
4. Lefschetz fibrations and closed exotic 4-manifolds (by Andras Stipsicz and Zoltan Szabo)
The conference will consist of several research talks on topics of current interest in low dimensional topology, including four-manifolds, knot invariants, categorification, gauge theory, and connections to physics.
Confirmed conference speakers:
Mina Aganagić, UC Berkeley
Akram Alishahi, U. Georgia
Aleksei Andreev, U Zurich
Valentina Bais, SISSA Trieste
William Ballinger, Harvard
Inanc Baykur, U Mass Amherst
Joe Boninger, Boston College
Eugene Gorsky, UC Davis
Kyle Hayden, Rutgers Newark
Matthew Hogancamp, Northeastern
Allison Miller, Swarthmore
Sungkyung Kang, Oxford
Marc Lackenby, Oxford
Jiakai Li, Harvard
Louisa Liles, U Virginia
Cristina Palmer-Anghel, U Leeds
Qianhe Qin, Stanford 
Qiuyu Ren, UC Berkeley
Alexander Schmidhuber, MIT
Dean Spyropoulos, Michigan State
Masaki Taniguchi, Kyoto University
Laura Wakelin, King's College
Paul Wedrich, U Hamburg

Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.
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