Joint ICTP-WE Heraeus School and Workshop on Advances in Quantum Matter: Pushing the Boundaries | (smr 4094)
Starts 4 Aug 2025
Ends 15 Aug 2025
Central European Time
Budinich Lecture Hall (LB)
Strada Costiera, 11
I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
The call for applications is open. Please click on 'Apply here' to submit your application.
An ICTP Meeting
This workshop and school, featuring lectures, tutorials, roundtables, and talks, will explore strongly correlated electron systems, focusing on novel phases, quantum criticality, exotic magnetic states, fractional excitations, moiré physics, and non-equilibrium phenomena.
This workshop and school will explore the rich physics of strongly correlated electron systems, focusing on their novel ground states, quantum critical phenomena, and emergent behaviors. Topics include fractionalized excitations in quantum spin liquids and topological phases, unconventional superconductivity, strange and bad metals, and transport in Dirac and Weyl semimetals. Special attention will be given to the impact of disorder, spin-phonon interactions, and non-equilibrium dynamics and light-induced, as well as cutting-edge developments in moiré systems such as twisted bilayer graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides. The event aims to integrate experimental and theoretical perspectives through lectures, tutorials, and in-depth discussions, fostering collaborations and advancing understanding.
Novel ground states of matter and excitations
Spectroscopies and transport of fractionalized excitations in topological phases of matter, such as quantum spin liquids and fractional Chern insulators.
The roles of disorder and spin-phonon interaction in quantum matter
A revolutionary "twist" on the quantum two-dimensional physics provided by exciting experiments on moire systems such as twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) and transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) bilayers
Quantum-critical behavior and superconductivity in correlated electron systems due to continuing discoveries of new materials
Transport in strange and bad metals, including Weyl and Dirac semimetals
Non-equilibrium dynamics and light-induced phenomena and dynamic phase transitions in quantum matter
L. BALENTS, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, USA
E. BERG, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
P. CANFIELD, Iowa State University, USA
P. COLEMAN, Rutgers University, USA
R. FERNANDES, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
L. FU, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
A. KAMENEV, University of Minnesota, USA
A. KAPITULNIK, Stanford University,USA
H.-Y. KEE, Univeristy of Toronto, Canada
Y. B. KIM, Univeristy of Toronto, Canada
D. MASLOV, Florida University, USA
E. MOROSAN Rice University, USA
S. SACHDEV, Harvard University, USA
J. SCHMALIAN, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
M. G. VERGNIORY, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada*
*To be confirmed
Invited Speakers
E. ANDREI, Rutgers University, USA
C. BATISTA, University of Tennesse, USA
F. BECCA, Trieste University, Italy
A. CHUBUKOV, University of Minnesota, USA
A. COLDEA, Oxford University, UK
R. COLDEA, Oxford University, UK
B. DOUÇOIT, Sorbonne University, France
M. GASTIASORO, Univeristy of Donostia San Sebastian, Spain
S. ILANI, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Y. IQBAL, IIT Madras, India
L. JU, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
A. HALLAS, University British Columbia, Canada
J. KNOLLE, Technical University of Munich, Germany
E. KÖNIG, University of Wisconsin, USA
Q. MA, Boston College, USA
K. F. MAK, Cornell University,USA
L. MANGEOLLE, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Y. MOTOME, Tokyo University, Japan
T. SAHA-DASGUPTA, Kolkata University, India
J. SHAN, Cornell University, USA
H. TAKAGI, MPI Stuttgart, Germany
A. YAZDANI, Princeton University, USA
L. YE, Caltech, USA
M.YI, Rice University, USA
Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.