Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 2 Apr 2025 14:00
Ends 2 Apr 2025 17:00
Central European Time
Leonardo Building - Budinich Lecture Hall

ICTP has awarded its 2024 Dirac Medal to four distinguished physicists "for their insights on quantum entropy in gravity and quantum field theories".

The 2024 Dirac Medallists are:
  • Horacio Casini, National Scientific and Technical Council (CONICET) and Bariloche Atomic Centre, Argentina
  • Marina Huerta, National Scientific and Technical Council (CONICET) and Bariloche Atomic Centre, Argentina
  • Shinsei Ryu, Princeton University, United States
  • Tadashi Takayanagi, Kyoto University, Japan
Further details about the awardees are available at

The 2024 Dirac Medal and Prize Ceremony will take place on Wednesday 02 April at 14.00 hrs in person at ICTP (Budinich Lecture Hall). All are welcome to attend.

The programme of the Ceremony will include the following talks by the four medallists and an introduction to their work by Prof. Atish Dabholkar:

Horacio Casini (CONICET and Bariloche Atomic Centre)

"The Bekenstein Bound and Its Meaning"
I will briefly review the derivation of Bekenstein universal bound on entropy from black hole physics and the original difficulties in its interpretation. I will then highlight the role of entanglement in reaching the modern interpretation in terms of distinguishability of states. I will briefly comment on relations with holographic theories.

Marina Huerta (CONICET and Bariloche Atomic Centre)

"Entanglement Entropy and the Renormalization Group Flow"
A significant part of understanding the structure of the space of quantum field theories (QFTs) involves classifying possible critical points and renormalization group (RG) trajectories.
However, not all critical points can be connected along an RG flow due to constraints imposed by c-theorems. These theorems establish that a certain c-charge decreases monotonically from ultraviolet (UV) to infrared (IR) fixed points, reflecting the irreversibility of the RG flow.
One of the most striking examples of how quantum information tools enrich QFT is the entropic formulation of c-theorems. Remarkably, entanglement entropy for spherical regions offers a novel perspective on c-theorems in two, three, and four spacetime dimensions. I will discuss the proof of these entropic theorems and show it mainly relies on the Lorentz invariance of the theory and the strong subadditivity property of entanglement entropy.


Shinsei Ryu (Princeton University)

"Quantum Many-Body Physics Through the Lens of Quantum Entanglement"
Over the past two decades, our understanding of quantum many-body physics has been significantly deepened by focusing on quantum entanglement. This perspective has led to, for example, the universal characterization of many-body ground states, the classification of phases of matter, new insights into renormalization group flow, and a refined understanding of the structure of complex many-body quantum systems. In parallel, the role of entanglement has extended beyond condensed matter physics and quantum information, providing crucial insights into the holographic principle and the quantum nature of spacetime. The deep connections between entanglement and geometry suggest that quantum information structures underlie the emergence of spacetime itself, offering new perspectives on quantum gravity and black hole physics. These advances continue to shape our exploration of quantum matter, gravity, and beyond.

Tadashi Takayanagi (Kyoto University)

"Quantum Entanglement and Spacetime in Gravity"
Quantum entanglement provides a fundamental framework that directly connects microscopic structures of quantum many-body systems and the geometries of gravitational spacetimes. One manifestation of this connection is the fact that, in holographic duality, the entanglement entropy of a field theory can be calculated from the area of an extremal surface in a gravitational spacetime. This generalises the celebrated Bekenstein-Hawking formula of the black hole entropy and implies that a gravitational spacetime can consist of many entangled qubits. I would like to explain recent developments in this line of research.

The event will be livestreamed from the ICTP website:

Light refreshments will be served after the event.
The 2024 Dirac Medal and Prize Ceremony takes place during the Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics| (smr 4062). For more information on the School, please visit: