Manoj Kumar Joshi
(Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Austria)
In the past few decades, technological advancements in controlling quantum systems with high fidelity have sparked worldwide hope for realizing fully controllable quantum computers and simulators, which aim to achieve quantum advantage. The leading platforms include superconducting qubits, quantum dots, ultracold atoms, and trapped ions. In particular, trapped-ion systems offer a high degree of isolation from environmental perturbations, enabling coherent control with high fidelity even for long ion strings. In these two lectures, I will provide a brief introduction to ion trapping, laser cooling, and the initialization of qubits in long ion chains. Furthermore, I will describe single- and two-qubit control in ion chains and discuss techniques for performing quantum computation and simulation. Finally, I will present experimental results on the characterization of entanglement in our platform and provide an outlook on the trapped-ion quantum simulator.