Conference on Volcanic Processes: a Variety of Length and Time Scales | (smr 4097)
Starts 1 Sep 2025
Ends 5 Sep 2025
Central European Time
Kigali - Rwanda
The call for applications is open, please click on "Apply here" on the left, in order to submit your application
This conference aims to be a platform where young African scientists will have the opportunity to rub shoulders with global experts on physical processes at all length and time scales.
The conference will cover a wide range of topics related to volcanic processes from the subsurface to the atmosphere to volcanic particles and soils using a physical lens.
Topics will include:
Multiphase flows
Theoretical and numerical modelling of subsurface magma propagation
Volcanic-induced seismic signals and surface displacement analysis
Volcanic emissions dispersion modelling
Volcanic lake dynamics
Soil particle-water interactions
Relationships between volcanic eruptions - climate - volcanic environment andhealth
Research abstracts: In the application form, all applicants are requested to submit a brief research abstract for a poster presentation and/or contributed talk. A limited number of abstracts will be selected for the poster session or to give a talk. Please use ICTP templates available for download here and below under 'Material'.
Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.