Scientific Calendar Event

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) is organizing the Conference above, to be held at the ICTP in Trieste from 18 to 23 July 2016.

The programme will include: real zeroes of random polynomials and number of real solutions of polynomial systems, critical points and zero sets of random real polynomials/random vector fields, random real algebraic geometry, random landscapes in statistical mechanics, statistical aspects of cosmology and string theory, etc.

Robert Adler (Technion - Israel)
Dennis Amelunxen (City University of Hong Kong)
Antonio Auffinger (University of Chicago)
Saugata Basu (Purdue University - USA),
Carlos Beltran (University of Cantabria - Spain)
Gerard Ben Arous (Courant Institute - USA)
Eugene Bogomolny (CNRS, Université Paris-Sud)
Richard Easther (Auckland University - New Zealand)
Michael Farber (Queen Mary University - London)
Damien Gayet (Institut Fourier - France)
Boris Khoruzhenko (Queen Mary University)
Manjunath Krishanpur (Indian Institute of Science)
Erik Lundberg (Florida Atlantic University)
Satja Majumdar (LPTMS, Orsay)
Gregorio Malajovich (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
Liam McAllister (Cornell University)
Liviu Nicolaescu (University of Notre Dame)
Chris Peterson (Colorado State)
Maurice Rojas (University of Texas A&M)
Armin Schwartzman (North Carolina State University)
Nicholas J. Simm (Warwick University)
Misha Sodin (Tel Aviv University)
Daniel Stariolo (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
Chuang Sun (Oxford)
Igor Wigman (Kings College London)
Steve Zelditch (Northwestern University - USA).
Go to day
  • Monday, 18 July 2016
    • 08:30 - 20:00
      Location: Adriatico Guest House - Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 08:30 REGISTRATION 1h0' ( Lower Level 1, Adriatico guesthouse )
      • 09:45 Coffee gathering 1h0' ( )
        Outside Giambiagi lecture room
      • 10:45 Opening 15'
        Speakers: Antonio Lerario (SISSA, Trieste), Yan Fyodorov (King's College London), Dhagash Mehta (University of Notre Dame, USA)
      • 11:00 Nodal domains and percolation, comments, remarks, and questions 1h0'
        Speaker: EUGENE BOGOMOLNY (Université XI Paris Sud, Paris)
      • 12:00 Top eigenvalue of a random matrix: Tracy-Widom distribution and third order phase Transition 1h0'
        Speaker: SATYA MAJUMDAR (Université XI Paris Sud, Paris)
      • 13:00 Lunch 1h30'
      • 14:30 Topologies of nodal sets of random band limited functions 1h0'
        Speaker: IGOR WIGMAN (King's College, London)
      • 15:30 Coffee break 30' ( TERRACE )
        All coffees will be served on the Terrace (weather permitting) 
        or thereat indoors.
      • 16:00 Real eigenvalues of real random matrices and statistics of spherical spin glasses 1h0'
        Speaker: NICHOLAS J. SIMM (University of Warwick, Coventry - UK)
      • 18:30 Welcome party with cheese/wine and juice 1h30' ( Terrace, Adriatico Guesthouse )
  • Tuesday, 19 July 2016
    • 09:00 - 16:30
      Location: Adriatico Guest House - Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 09:00 TBA 1h0'
        Speaker: GERARD BEN AROUS (New York University, USA)
      • 10:00 Coffee break 30'
      • 10:30 TBA 1h0'
        Speaker: RICHARD EASTHER (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
      • 11:30 Critical points of random smooth functions: central limit theorems 1h0'
        Speaker: LIVIU NICOLAESCU (University of Notre Dame, Indiana-USA)
      • 12:30 Lunch 1h30'
      • 14:00 How many equilibria will a large complex system have? 1h0'
        Speaker: BORIS KHORUZHENKO (Queen Mary and westfield College, London)
      • 15:00 Coffee break 30'
      • 15:30 Percolation of random nodal lines 1h0'
        Speaker: DAMIEN GAYET (Université Grenoble 1, France)
  • Wednesday, 20 July 2016
    • 09:00 - 16:30
      Location: Adriatico Guest House - Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 09:00 Real Zeroes of Random Polynomials (after Ken Soze) 1h0'
        Speaker: MISHA SODIN (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
      • 10:00 Coffee break 30'
      • 10:30 Conic integral geometry: from simple principles to useful applications 1h0'
        Speaker: DENNIS AMELUNXEN (City University of Hong Kong)
      • 11:30 Expected Number and Height Distribution of Critical Points of Smooth Isotropic Gaussian Random Fields 1h0'
        Speaker: ARMIN SCHWARTZMAN (University of California, College Station - USA)
      • 12:30 Lunch 1h30'
      • 14:00 Poster session 1h0'
      • 15:00 Coffee break 30'
      • 15:30 Poster session 1h0'
  • Thursday, 21 July 2016
    • 09:00 - 20:20
      • 09:00 Determinantal point processes and energy in the n-sphere 1h0' ( Adriatico Guest House - Giambiagi Lecture Hall )
        Speaker: CARLOS BELTRAN (Universidad de Cantabria, Santander - Spain)
      • 10:00 Coffee break 30'
      • 10:30 Statistics of Axion Diameters in Calabi-Yau Compactifications 1h0'
        Speaker: LIAM MCALLISTER (Conrell University, Ithaca - USA)
      • 11:30 TBA 1h0'
        Speaker: CHRIS PETERSON (Colorado State University - USA)
      • 12:30 Lunch 1h30'
      • 14:00 On sparse polynomials, toric varieties, condition length and randomness. 1h0'
        Speaker: GREGORIO MALAJOVICH (Universidade Federal do rio de Janeiro - Brazil)
      • 15:00 Coffee break 30'
      • 15:30 TBA 1h0'
        Speaker: SAUGATA BASU (Purdue University, West Lafayette - USA)
      • 20:00 Social dinner 20' ( AGH (Giambiagi Lecture Hall) )
        All those interested in taking part in this dinner should contact Antonio Lerario in the lecture room before noon, by Wednesday 20 July - LATEST.
  • Friday, 22 July 2016
    • 09:00 - 16:30
      Location: Adriatico Guest House - Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 09:00 TBA 1h0'
        Speaker: MICHAEL FARBER (Queen Mary, University of London - UK)
      • 10:00 Coffee break 30'
      • 10:30 Four problems at the interface of theory and practice 1h0'
        Speaker: ROBERT ADLER (Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City - Israel)
      • 11:30 A Broader Class of Measures for Faster Solving 1h0'
        Speaker: MAURICE ROJAS (Texas A&M University, College Station - USA)
      • 12:30 Lunch 1h30'
      • 14:00 Random Lemniscates 1h0'
        Speaker: ERIK LUNDBERG (Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton - USA)
      • 15:00 Coffee break 30'
      • 15:30 Critical points and Euler-Poincaré characteristic of random spherical harmonics 1h0'
        Speaker: VALENTINA CAMMAROTA (King's College, London - UK)
  • Saturday, 23 July 2016
    • 09:00 - 12:50
      Location: Adriatico Guest House - Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 09:00 TBA 1h0'
        Speaker: ANTONIO LERARIO (SISSA, Trieste)
      • 10:00 Coffee break 30'
      • 10:30 Landscape and dynamical complexity in two simple statistical physics models 1h0'
        Speaker: DANIEL STARIOLO (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterol - Brazil)
      • 11:30 Closing 1h0'