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ICTP - Adriatico Guest House - Giambiagi Lecture Hall

Presentations by participants


14.00 Jyoti Pandey: Measurement of 59Ni(n,p)59Co Reaction Cross-section through Surrogate Technique for Fusion Technology Applications 14.20 Cristiana Oprea: Cross sections of fast neutron reactions with emission of charged particles 14.40 Dmitry Savin: Monte Carlo Simulation of Neutron Spectra in (n,2n) Reactions with Energy-Momentum Conservation 15.00 Lalremruata Hlawndo: A tool for calculation of 7Li(p,n)7Be neutron spectra and the Development of RF power measurement technique for low energy charged particle accelerators 15.20 Gehan Khalil: Cross Section measurements and nuclear model calculations of neutron and charged particle induced reactions


Arjan Koning (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); NAPC/Nuclear Data Section), Jean-Christophe Sublet (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); NAPC/Nuclear Data Section), Local Organiser: Claudio Tuniz