Scientific Calendar Event


Open technologies can and should be used to create and disseminate scientific know-how for all, as well as to facilitate the access to science for disabled people. Stressing this is the rationale behind the organization of the above-mentioned Workshops.

The aim of these events is to analyze new ways to establish and support the creation of SciFabLabs in remote areas in order to inspire curiosity and understanding in young scholars and new generations of scientists without any exclusion.

Particular attention will be paid to innovation on existing projects and technologies to be usable by people with disabilities to study science. Affordable prototypes designated and produced within Scientific Fabrication Laboratories for that purpose will be presented together with software applications for mobile and special devices.

Both activities combine in a balanced mix technical details, general overviews and sense of the possible.  There will be also discussions with experts and participants about the creation of modern Scientific FabLabs and Makerspaces in developing countries designed to be open places devoted to creativity for the benefit of the whole society.

A special workshop dedicated to virtual reality will be held on Wednesday 25 October. This will be the first of a series of workshop to be held in Trieste in the framework of the training project "TSFF goes Virtual", organized by Trieste Film Festival/Associazione Alpe Adria Cinema with the collaboration of  Contaminazioni Digitali and the ICTP Sci Fab Lab.
"TSFF goes Virtual @ SciFabLab" will provide participants with the basic theoretical and practical techniques needed to shoot an immersive video. The workshop is a unique opportunity to understand the virtual reality perspective, the differences between classical and immersive shootings, as well as the use of new softwares for 360° video production.
For further information about the project please visit


Go to day
  • Monday, 23 October 2017
    • 09:00 - 17:15 Science Dissemination for the Disabled
      Location: SciFabLab - Enrico Fermi Building, Lower Level
      • 09:00 Administrative formalities and Welcome Coffe 1h0'
        After registration, visitors funded by the ICTP must go to the Operations Office (E. Fermi building, ground floor), with their badge and passport or I.D. Card, to collect their dues. Operations Office is open on Monday and Tuesday (8:30-12:00/13:30-14:30).   The Bank is only open on Monday (8.20-13.20 and 14.30-16.00).
      • 10:00 Welcome remarks by ICTP Director 5'
        Speaker: Fernando Quevedo (Director, ICTP)
      • 10:05 Opening 5'
        Speaker: Enrique Canessa (ICTP Science Dissemination Unit (SDU), Italy)
      • 10:10 Molbed: a Maker approach to blindness disability 35'
        Speaker: Davide Marin, Manuela Pipino (Lumi Industries, Italy)
      • 10:45 3D Technologies for Disability 30'
        Speaker: Carlo Fonda (ICTP SciFabLab, Italy)
        Material: Slides
      • 11:15 Scuba Blind: Learning Marine Biology 25'
        Speaker: Marialaura Uberti and Ahmed Calif Hagi Mohamed (Albatros Association, Paolo Pinto Project - International Disable Dive School)
      • 11:40 Path Learning and Navigation System for the Blind: GPS and Sensor Technologies 20'
        Speaker: Isaac Mwakabira and Fannie Mangame (University of Malawi - Chancellor College, Malawi - TALK BY PARTICIPANTS)
        Material: Abstract
      • 12:00 Lunch Break 1h45'
      • 13:45 Eye-tracking system to foster Cognitive Enhancement and Communication for Girls with the RETT syndrome 30'
        Speaker: Alessandro Masserdotti (, Italy)
      • 14:15 - Give-a-hand 35'
        Speaker: Roberto Vdovic (Morana Pap -, Croatia)
      • 14:50 Cromopolis for All 40'
        Speaker: Sara Sossi (ICTP SciFabLab, Italy)
        Material: Slides
      • 15:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 16:00 New low cost building solutions for developing countries 40'
        Speaker: Davide Marin, Manuela Pipino (Lumi Industries, Italy)
      • 16:40 Polmonix: A Smartphone Application for Early Diagnosis of Pediatric Pneumonia through Digitalized Auscultation of the lungs 35'
        Speaker: Rosula Reyes San Jose (School of Science and Engineeering, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines - TALK BY PARTICIPANT)
        Material: Abstract
  • Tuesday, 24 October 2017
    • 09:00 - 14:30 Scientific Fabrication Laboratories
      • 09:00 The SciFabLab of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics 30'
        Speaker: Carlo Fonda and Enrique Canessa (ICTP SciFabLab, Italy)
        Material: Slides
      • 09:30 Scientific Fabrication Laboratory at University of Cartagena 30'
        Speaker: Javier Montoya (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia)
      • 10:00 Coffee break 30'
      • 10:30 First Maker Expo at University Cartagena, Colombia 45'
        Speaker: Javier Montoya (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia)
      • 11:15 Scientific FabLab at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade: Support for Experimental Fluid Flow Research 30'
        Speaker: Djordje Cantrak (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia)
        Material: Abstract Abstract - Gadanski Slides
      • 11:45 Connect with Science': strengthening and supporting communities through science literacy and science in makerspaces 30'
        Speaker: Valentina De Col (Network for Information and Digital Access (NIDA), UK)
        Material: Slides
      • 12:15 Lunch Break 1h15'
      • 13:30 RogLab and the Central European project FabLabNet 30'
        Speaker: Meta Stular (Roglab, Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
      • 14:00 Scientific Makers in Antartica 30'
        Speaker: Daniele Tavagnacco, Stefano Sartor (, Trieste, Italy)
    • 14:30 - 16:00 Brief Talks by Participants
      • 14:30 Physics online? An empirical, qualitative analysis of the quality of online physics education material 15'
        Speaker: Francesco Bussola (Physics Education Laboratory, University of Bologna, Italy)
        Material: Abstract
      • 14:45 Exploring wave physics with sound 15'
        Speaker: Francesco Bussola (Physics Education Laboratory, University of Bologna, Italy)
        Material: Abstract
      • 15:00 A decade of STEM Outreach & Widening Participation Activities:Lessons Learned and Challenges 15'
        Speaker: Mudashiru Liari (Durham University, UK)
        Material: Abstract
      • 15:15 Data analysis for further purposes with Pandas 15'
        Speaker: Mwanakahambo Deoel (Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique Salama, DRC)
        Material: Abstract
      • 15:30 Coffee Break 30'
    • 16:00 - 17:30 Sustainable Development
      • 16:00 Pellextruder: Pellets-fed Extruder for 3D Printing 30'
        Speaker: Carlo Fonda (ICTP SciFabLab, Italy)
        Material: Slides
      • 16:30 3D Printing from Waste (with demo) 1h0'
        Speaker: Mahor Muñiz Cadenas (, Spain)
        Material: Slides
  • Wednesday, 25 October 2017
    • 09:15 - 18:00 Virtual Reality Technologies and Tools
      • 09:15 3D Mobile Augmented Reality Interface for Laboratory Experiments 45'
        Speaker: Clement Onime (ICTP, Italy)
        Material: Slides
      • 10:00 Coffee Break 30'
      • 10:30 Virtual Reality and Immersive Video - Introduction 10'
        What is Virtual Reality (VR)
        Difference between Virtual Reality and Immersive Video (360VR)
        Brief VR and 360VR history
        Digital Video: terms
        Immersive Video: Terms
        Difference between 'traditional' and spherical video
        Spherical video formats
        The tools for shooting spherical video
        Ambisonic audio                                                                             
        Plan the shot
        Shooting a spherical video
        Post production: stitching, editing, exporting
        How to view an Immersive Video
        The Head Mounted Display (HMD)
        Hands on training
        Examples of immersive video
        Q&A session
        Speaker: Antonio Giacomin (, Italy)
      • 10:40 Virtual Reality Technologies and Tools - Part 1 1h20'
        Speaker: Antonio Giacomin (, Italy)
      • 12:00 Lunch Break 1h30'
      • 13:30 Virtual Reality and Immersive Video - Part 2 2h0'
        Speaker: Antonio Giacomin (, Italy)
      • 15:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 16:00 Virtual Reality and Immersive Video - Part 3 1h30'
        Speaker: Antonio Giacomin (, Italy)
      • 17:30 Closing Remarks and Diplomas ceremony 30'