Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 7 Nov 2016 16:00
Ends 7 Nov 2016 17:00
Central European Time
Leonardo Building - Luigi Stasi Seminar Room
The ordered con figuration space of n points in a topological space X is the space of all possible confi gurations of n labelled points in that space X. There is a natural action of the symmetric group, Sn, on the ordered confi guration space and the quotient under this action is the unordered con figuration space.
For a smooth complex projective variety X, I. Kriz constructed a rational model (a differential bigraded algebra) for the ordered con figuration space. The Sn-action on the confi guration space induces an Sn-action on the Kriz model.
I will discuss this Sn-action and as an application describe the cohomology algebra of 3-points con guration spaces of complex projective spaces.