Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 6 Mar 2017
Ends 10 Mar 2017
Central European Time
LB (Euler Lecture Hall)
Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
The  Abdus  Salam  International  Cente  for  Theoretical  Physics  (ICTP),  Trieste, Italy is  organizing  a  Conference  on  Atomistic  Simulations  of  Biomolecules: towards a Quantitative  Understanding  of  Life  Machinery  to  be  held  in  Trieste,  Italy from  6 -10 March 2017.

Ali HASSANALI (ICTP, Trieste, Italy)
Lucy KIRURI (Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya)
Alessandro LAIO (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
Carmen Nina PASTOR COLON (UAEM, Mexico)

In the last decades accurate atomistic simulations have become a key tool for studying biomolecules and is an essential part of quantitative life sciences. Thanks to specialized hardware, distributed computing and enhanced sampling techniques, the timescales that can be reached by simulations and the shortest timescales that can be probed experimentally are now overlapping. Besides providing more benchmarks with which theoretical models can be validated, atomistic simulations give valuable information on microscopic details that help in the interpretation of experiments. It can be foreseen that in the near future, the scientific community will start trusting simulations as a genuinely predictive tool, whose outcome is valid even without direct experimental support. In the next years, simulations are likely to play a crucial role in understanding how life machinery works.

The scope of this conference is bringing together experts working in the field of atomistic simulations of biomolecules, with particular attention to exposing scientists working in developing countries to the state of the art methods and applications possible in the field. It will also serve to link together both students and faculty, to encourage involvement for exchange and collaboration.

Topics will include:
1) Simulation of nucleic acids;
2) Protein folding and aggregation;
3) Molecular recognition;
4) The role of water in bio-molecular processes;
5) Algorithm development for enhanced sampling and multiscale simulations;
6) Force-fields for bio-molecular simulations.


Robert BEST  (NIH, Washington, U.S.A.)
Julio CABALLERO  (Universidad de Talca, Chile)
Pilar COSSIO TEJADA  (MPI, Frankfurt, Germany)
Gerhard HUMMER  (MPI, Frankfurt, Germany)
Lucy KIRURI (Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya)
Vanessa LEONE-ALVAREZ  (NINDS/NIH, Bethesda, U.S.A.)
Kersten LINDORFF-LARSEN  (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
George Ochieng OMOLLOH  (Kenyatta University, Kenya)
Juliana PALMA  (UNQ, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Sergio PANTANO GUTIERREZ  (lnstitut Pasteur, Montevideo, Uruguay)
Carmen Nina PASTOR COLON (UAEM, Mexico)
Sergiy PEREPELYTSYA  (BITP, Kiev, Ukraine)
Simon POBLETE FUENTES  (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
Peter POHL  (JKUL, Linz, Austria)
Meher PRAKASH  (JNCASR, Bangalore, India)
Fabio STERPONE  (IBPC-LBT, Paris, France)
FakhrEldin O. SULIMAN MOHAMED  (SQU, Muscat, Oman)
Hugo VERLI  (UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil)

**DEADLINE: 15/11/2016**
**DEADLINE: 15/11/2016**


Alessandro Laio, Carmen Nina Pastor Colon, Lucy Kiruri
ICTP Local Organizer: Ali Hassanali
