Scientific Calendar Event


  • Codata_Welcome.pdf
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    • File size: 1 MB
    • File creation date: 04 Feb 2022 20:29


B. ACHARYA (ICTP), T. ATTWOOD (University of Manchester), A. HARRISON (University of Essex), M. HASSAN (TWAS), S. HODSON (CODATA), R. QUICK (Indiana University), H. SHANAHAN (Royal Holloway University of London), J. SHIERS (CERN), U. SINGE (University of Manchester), A. VAN DER WALT (Talarify LTD), C. VAN GELDER (Radboud University Medical Centre), L. BORTOLUSSI (University of Trieste), A. POLICRITI (University of Udine), Local Organisers: Ivan Girotto, Clement Onime, Marco Zennaro
