Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 21 May 2018
Ends 25 May 2018
Central European Time
Mbour - Senegal
The German Research Foundation (DFG) and the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) are organizing a Workshop on Global Differential Geometry, to be held at the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Mbour, Sénégal, May 21 - 25, 2018.

The workshop will focus on recent developments in Global Differential Geometry, in particular on symplectic and Poisson geometry, including foliations and Lie theory, as well as classical differential geometry with its connections to differential topology and global analysis. There are close relations to the index theory of elliptic operators, generalized complex geometry and geometric flows, all of which open the door to applications in mathematical physics.

Summer School on Global Differential Geometry (14-18 May) web page:
Organizing Committee:
Hamidou Dathe (Dakar)
Bernhard Hanke (Augsburg)
Aissa Wade (Penn State and AIMS Mbour)
Katrin Wendland (Freiburg)

DFG Coordinators:
Carsten Balleier
Alida Höbener
Beate Wilhelm

The list of speakers includes:
Claudio Arezzo (ICTP)
Augustin Banyaga (Penn State)
Augustin Tshidibi Batubenge (South Africa)
Kai Cieliebak (Augsburg)
A. Degeratu (Stuttgart)
Hassimou Diallo (Cote d’Ivoire)
Abdoul Salam Diallo (Senegal)
Cheikh Mbacke Diop* (Senegal)
Jonathan Mboyo Esole* (Northeastern)
Urs Frauenfelder (Augsburg)
Sebastian Goette (Freiburg)
Djideme Franck Houenou (Benin)
El-Kaioum Mohamed Moutuou* (USF Florida)
Karl-Hermann Neeb (Erlangen)
Sylvie Paycha (Postdam)
Philippe Rukimbira (FIU Florida)
Thomas Schick (Göttingen)
Léonard Todjihoundé (Benin)
Joel Tossa (Benin)
Burkhard Wilking (Münster)
*to be confirmed
**DEADLINE: 15/03/2018**

For those who applied for financial support to participate in the Workshop on Global Differential Geometry, May 21-25, 2018, at the AIMS Center M'bour, Senegal:

If you were planning to participate in the Summer School on Global Differential Geometry, May 14-18, 2018, please be aware that a separate application is necessary, sent directly to the AIMS Center M'bour (by e-mail to, where the school will take place.
Please follow the application procedure described on the summer school's webpage, cf.
under the headline "Applications".

The deadline for applications for the summer school has been extended to 2nd of March 2018.
**DEADLINE: 15/03/2018**
**DEADLINE: 10/04/2018**
Hamidou Dathe (Mathematics Institute, Dakar University), Bernhard Hanke (Mathematics Institute, Augsburg University), Aissa Wade (Department of Mathematics, Penn State University, and AIMS Senegal, Mbour), Katrin Wendland (Mathematics Institute, Freiburg University), ICTP Scientific Contact: Claudio Arezzo
DFGdfg, AIMS Sénégalaims
Koutou Mabilo


Hamidou Dathe (Mathematics Institute, Dakar University), Bernhard Hanke (Mathematics Institute, Augsburg University), Aissa Wade (Department of Mathematics, Penn State University, and AIMS Senegal, Mbour), Katrin Wendland (Mathematics Institute, Freiburg University), ICTP Scientific Contact: Claudio Arezzo
