ICTP-CIMPA School: AGRA III (Aritmética, Grupos y Analisis III) | (smr 3222)
Starts 9 Jul 2018
Ends 20 Jul 2018
Central European Time
Cordoba - Argentina
ICTP-CIMPA School: AGRA III (Aritmetica, Grupos y Analisis III)
from the 9 - 20 July 2018 in Cordoba, Argentina
to held at the Academia Nacional de Ciencias and at FaMAF
Please note: Arrival date should be 8 July 2018 and
Departure date should be 21 July 2018
Deadline for requesting participation: 4 MARCH 2018
The area of the School is number theory, broadly understood - analytic, algebraic, combinatiorial, with links to groups and geometry.
All of the course topics lie at thematic intersections.
The course on Galois representations will focuse on their connections with modular forms and elliptic curves.
The course on arithmetic groups will involve familiarizing students with topics in group theory and modular forms.
Equidistribution in a diophantine context will be the main subject of a course.
Another lecture series will focus on analysis, combinatorics and discrete geometry.
The study of curves over finite fields, and the resulting codes, will allow for an accessible introduction to deep issues in algebraic geometry, with immediate applications.
Finally, the course on primes, parity and analysis will combine classical tools and the use of entropy and independence.
The plan is, then, to introduce advanced students to a variety of fields and tools and to notable recent developments.
Scienfific Committee:
Michael Harris
Harald Helfgott
Roberto Miatello
Nuria Vila Oliva
Fernando Rodriguez Villegas
Local Committee:
Maria Chara
Emilio Lauret
Ariel Pacetti
Ricardo Podesta
Diego Sulca
Invited Speakers: Miram Abdon, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil Mikhail Belolipetsky, IMPA - Instit. Nac. de Matematica Pura e Aplicada, Brazil José Burgos Gil, ICMAT, Spain Luis Dieulefait, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain Cicero FernandesDe Carvalho, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Brazil Michael Harris, Université Paris VII, France & Columbia University, U.S.A. Harald Helfgott, Georg-August Universität Göttingen & CNRS - Centre National
de la Recherche Scientifique & Université Paris VI/VII, France Marc Hindry, Univesité Paris VII, France Benjamin Linowitz, Oberlin College, Ohio, U.S.A. Ricardo Menares, PUCV - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile Roberto Miatello, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina Ariel Pacetti, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina Daniel Panario, Carleton University, Canada Marusia Rebolledo, Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand 2, France David Roberts, University of Minnesota, Morris, U.S.A. Fernando Rodriguez Villegas, ICTP - the Abdus Salam International Centre for
Theoretical Physics, Italy Adrián Ubis Martínez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Academia Nacional de Ciencias
Alexander von Humboldt
Centre International de Mathematiques Pures et Appliques (CIMPA)
Facultad de Matematica, Astronomia, Fisica y Computacion (FAMAF)
Foundation Compositio Mathematica
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (UNC)
**DEADLINE: 04/03/2018**
Roberto Jorge Miatello (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba), Harald Andres Helfgot (University of Goettingen), Michael Harris (Columbia University), Nuria Vila (Universitat de Barcelona), Ariel Pacetti (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba), ICTP Scientific Contact: Fernando Rodriguez Villegas