Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 25 Mar 2019
Ends 5 Apr 2019
Central European Time
Kastler Lecture Hall (AGH)
Via Grignano, 9 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)

The two-week School is designed for early career professionals from developing countries, ideally with 1-3 years of experience, working at relevant institutions in their home country. Candidates should have a specific career interest in, or knowledge of nuclear security, although their academic and technical background may vary. Candidates with a scientific or technical background in a discipline of relevance to nuclear security, such as nuclear physics, nuclear engineering, political science, law enforcement, and/or in related fields are especially encouraged to apply.  
School curriculum will include the following topics:
  • International legal framework supporting nuclear security
  • Identification of, and measures to address, threats against nuclear material, facilities, and activities
  • Instruments and methods for physical protection of associated facilities.
  • Threat and risk assessment, detection architecture, and response plan for material out of regulatory control
  • Radiation detection instruments and detection strategies and techniques
  • Transport security for nuclear and other radioactive material
  • Nuclear forensics and radiological crime scene management
  • Nuclear security culture, computer and information security, and security at major public events
  • Measures for systematic nuclear security human resource development at the national level
Additionally, there will be practical exercises designed to incorporate the acquired knowledge into national planning and procedures to protect against threats to nuclear security.
Prerequisites for applying
As a prerequisite to admission to the School, all applicants will be asked to complete IAEA introductory e-learning modules on several topics in nuclear security:

  • Overview of Nuclear Security Threats and Risks
  • Nuclear Security Threats and Risks: Material and Facilities 
  • Nuclear Security Threats and Risks: Material Out of Regulatory Control
  • Nuclear Security Threats and Risks: Cyber Threat
  • Transport Security
  • Information and Computer Security
  • NMAC for Nuclear Security
  • Radiological Crime Scene Management
  • Physical Protection
  • Preventive and Protective Measures against Insider Threat
  • Use of Radiation Detection Instruments for Front Line Officers
  • Introduction to Radioactive Sources and Their Applications
The modules are available only online:
The estimated time for completing the courses is between 1 and 4.5 hours. Upon successful completion of each module, the system will generate a personalized certificate. Please submit all certificates of completion (as pdf or jpg files) with the online application form for this School. In case of technical issues, please contact:
**DEADLINE: 02/12/2018**
Dmitriy Nikonov (IAEA), Local Organiser: Claudio Tuniz
IAEAiaea, PNSpns
Federica Delconte


Dmitriy Nikonov (IAEA), Local Organiser: Claudio Tuniz
