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ICTP - Kastler Lecture Hall (AGH)

Montoring and fighting crime


  • Marco MUSUMECI


1) Very short presentation on who we are and what we do at UNICRI in the area of crime and justice and why we are interested in the IAEA activities (future outreach) 2) Putting into context: organized crime interest in low priority enforcement areas and differentiation of the criminal portfolio: the case of counterfeiting and food fraud 3) Discussing concrete areas where criminal activities and breaches of the supply chain can mix: infiltrations into the legal economy and their possible impact for the security of the supply chain + emerging trends for the infiltration into the supply chain + importance of monitoring criminal activities and connections between them 4) Potential of what the IAEA is doing and what UNICRI is doing with SIRIO to improve the monitoring and response with concrete examples


Aliz Simon (IAEA), Giuseppina Maddaluno (UNICRI), Francesco Saverio Romolo (University of Bergamo, Italy), Local Organiser: Sandro Scandolo
