Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics
School on quantum foundations dedicated to Prof. Giancarlo Ghirardi | (smr H580)
Starts 19 Jun 2019
Ends 21 Jun 2019
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Euler Lecture Hall (LB)
Strada Costiera, 11
I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
The school aims at introducing PhD students to the still outstanding problems in our understanding of the foundations of quantum mechanics. Afternoons will be dedicated to tutorials where more applied aspects of each theory will be presented and discussed.
Wednesday 19 June: Collapse Models (A. Bassi)
- Measurement Problem
- Non-linear modifications of the Schrödinger Equation
- The Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber Model
- Amplification Mechanism
- Density Matrix
- Application of collapse models to optomechanics experiments
Thursday 20 June: Bohmian Mechanics (D. Dürr)
- Typicality
- Coarse Graining and Typicality Measure
- Typicality in the Continuum
- Bohmian Mechanics
- Typicality Analysis and Born’s statistical interpretation
- Heisenberg’suncertainty
Friday 21 June: Shape Dynamics (N. Zanghì).
- Shape Space
- Metrics on Shape Space and best Matching
- Classical Motion on Shape Space
- Quantum Motion on Shape Space
- Emergence of Absolute Space and Time